Here are the rules:Nominate 15 fellow bloggers who are relatively new to blogging.Let them know that you have nominated them.Share 7 random facts about yourself.Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you.Add the Versatile Blogger Award picture to your blog post.
My 15 Nominations:
1. Emma - Transmission5142. Lisa - KissandMakeup3. Alice - YesIt'sAlice4. Seonaid - BeautyAndBaggage5. Lindsey - Elegant-Chaos6. Harriet - HarrietJuliana7. Jessica - JessicaRachel8. Kalian - makeupbykailanmarie9. Louise - TheBeautyOfLouise10. Faye - TheFashionHarvest11. Serena - TheSweetLie12. Holly - TheBlushBrush13. Emily - DescribingBeauty14. Laura - LaurasCosmeticWonderland15. Nicola - nicoohlala737 Facts About Me:
1. I hate feet.2. I have a 7 month old son3. My eyes are green4. I am currently studying fashion at Staffordshire University5. My birthday is on the 21st of May6. I love Drum and Bass7. My middle name is Hazel.