I had slept awfully the night before (what is it with getting older and being restless and never sleeping through the night anymore?) I had been dealing with a couple of stressful issues weighing heavily and that probably factored in. I woke up to 30 degrees and rain (that was promising to turn into snow). I was planning to meet a friend for her first ever trail run (you know who you are) and Ken said, "You could just text her that you are canceling."
WTF. Are you kidding me? How long has this man been married to me. No way do I cancel running. Shut Up and Run is my blog title for a reason. It is not Shut Up and Text To Cancel Running.
Tired? SUAR. Busy? SUAR. Hungover? SUAR. Have your period? SUAR. Don't feel like it? SUAR. Clearly, SUAR is the answer. I might make an exception if I was projectile vomiting only because that's socially awkward (or diarrhea - but traditionally that hasn't even held me back). Other than that, I'm in.
So, off we went. Do not ask what prompted me to wear shorts. It was warmer at my house than in the hills, that is my only excuse.
Before you ask (because I get tons of questions on this):
My hydration pack is the Hydra Quiver from Orange Mud
I am happy to represent as one of their new ambassadors!
We did 8 miles with about 1,200 feet of gain. We were literally the only ones out there with the exception of some fatso huge wild turkeys (if I had brought my gravy and mashed taters I might have slaughtered one right there) and some deer with a little baby. I am a sucker for "baby" anything. Baby-most-poisonous-snake-in-the-world? I love you.
As always I was glad I got out there. And my friend? She killed it. She is a 52 year old strong as hell runner. She will be doing the TransRockies with me this year (6 days - 120 miles). Bring it on. She was smart enough to dress for the weather.

And after a nap, many calories (egg/avocado/salad/birthday cake) and a glass of wine I have transformed and am headed out for the night. Because, well, I deserve it dammit.

Tell me about you run this weekend.
Do you have more trouble sleeping the older you get?