This may be way more than y’all want to know but……7 years ago I was diagnosed with a hereditary heart condition. My biological father passed away when I was 6 months old and now I have it. Top Girl does as well. When I was going through the diagnosis process, I went to a physician who thought that because I was a woman and in my early 40’s, I couldn’t have cardiac trouble. Anyway, she – without any testing – prescribed me some medication that not only didn’t work but “burned out” my thyroid. I gained a lot of weight. Not enough to have bariatric surgery but more than enough for my small frame. I have lived with the heart condition and extra weight all this time. It seemed that nothing I did would help me lose more than 5 pounds. Period.
A few weeks ago, everything I put in my mouth to eat started tasting sweet. It didn’t matter if it was the hottest Hatch Chile Pepper, it tasted sweet. This alarmed me so I called my wonderful physician who put me on the strictest diet you have ever heard of – seriously, it is so strict – well, I have never been good at self-discipline but I have being toeing the line on this. You see, it could be one of two things: One is bad and one is awful. If it’s the bad one, I can stem the tide and stop the problem with a pretty good weight loss quickly. The other? Well, I will need to be at the ideal weight for my height in order to be in top fighting order for that one. In my heart, I believe it is the former and not the latter so I won’t let him test one way or the other until after my birthday – October 8 – I’ll be 50.
This is my 4th day on the diet and it is working but it is not easy – the first two weeks are going to be really rough. I have tried to cook and post recipes for the blog and I swear, every time I do, something disastrous happens! Just now, I was trying to make a new tailgating recipe (we are big football fans) and I did something to the oven that caused buzzers and warning lights to go off and it might require a visit from the service man. This is where I need your help:
My first 2 weeks will be up on September 16. It is obvious that I am sabotaging myself in the kitchen and am asking you, my blogger friends, to help me out by doing a guest post for me. If I could talk a few of you into doing that, it would make these next 2 weeks less stressful. I sure would appreciate it and so would Mr. Picky-eater – he says I’m going to burn down the house if I try to cook something else! If you are willing, please reply to this post and I will contact you (probably in the evenings) to set it up. I have so many diverse blogger friends and anything you could do to help me out would be appreciated!
Thank you!!