Family Magazine

I Need YOUR Help!

By Sara Zwicker @SaraZwicker

Hi all–this is going to be a really quick post as I am currently in day 2 of a 2.5 day marketing training and I have almost no time to breathe (or write blog posts,) but I wanted to say hi and ask you guys for some help! :)


I don’t know if it’s the weather or the fact that I get up and go to work and it’s dark outside and I leave and it’s dark outside so I rarely see daylight, but I have been really lacking ideas lately for blog posts.  I am seriously drawing a blank on things.  It seems when I am training for something, the posts flow easily and I have a lot to say, but between work being crazy busy and not having any races on the books, there are only so many pictures of Ashton I can share with you. I mean, I know he is super cute, but still.  I still plan on doing a few vlog posts, which I hope I will get the chance to sit down and do in the next few weeks, but I’m drawing a blank on other things at the moment.

So tell me…what do you guys want to hear about?  Please, I am open to anything. I need something to get the creative juices flowing again!  Please and thank you!

I hope to check in with you at some point on Friday but I am taking a 6 am flight (I have to leave my house at 3:30 a.m., ugh) to NYC and am spending the day with one of my agencies for work, so we will see if I have internet on the flight to write and post to you all!

In the meantime, enjoy this video of one of my current favorite songs!

Have a great day!!


Question of the day

So, what do you guys want to hear more about?

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