Food & Drink Magazine

I'm the MAN! Soldier for Women-an Initiative by BlogAdda

By Shalinidigvijay @shalinidigvijay
Ever since BlogAdda started the quest to find the soldier for women...I've been wondering...
I am fortunate enough to not  know anyone who has ever needed to protect women from any kind of violence -domestic or otherwise...or even hear of a situation like so...
But ever since BlogAdda has been calling for entries and the last date for submission rings closer...I find myself unable to sleep-and that is weird-coming from me...
I am a person who will sleep in the middle of a power cut and after the scariest of short there is not much that will deter my beauty sleep...
So this campaign was an eye opener(pun unintended).
Then I began thinking...and realised that I knew no one -no man or woman-who had ever risked his life and limb to save the honor of a woman...
Because my life has been privileged and protected...and that this situation has touched me not yet-touch wood!
Fortunately for me!
Then I realised...
I'm the MAN! Soldier for Women-an initiative by BlogAdda
I am me!
A strong ,opinionated,compassionate,dedicated,focused, honest individual with courage of conviction!
I will not be unjust or stand for any injustice...
And I have courage and integrity ...
And I am glad I was moulded this way!
I was born to a man who never let me or my sister -or for that matter -his wife-feel weak or helpless in any way.
We were instilled with confidence in ourselves from the beginning.
We were told that there was no job we could not do because we were girls.
We were taught to ride a bicycle by him.
He taught us how to drive a scooter.
He also taught us how to drive his car,never complaining if we were reckless and scratched his pride and joy.
He let us drive with josh and ensured that the Delhi Drivers never ,ever made us feel any less-because we are  women drivers.
He taught us  well...we don't have to stand at a bank counter and look helplessly at a form we can not comprehend...
We can meet up with any official and ensure that the work we need to be done,will be done.
We have never needed to act as damsels in distress...he taught us how to change a flat tire too and a fused bulb and  a plug...that is a different story that we have never needed always fall at our feet ...for being allowed to change a punctured tire.
The parents ensured that they brought us up with a lot of love...never ever regretting that they did not have precious boys...
Because they know that their daughters are stronger and will never be cowed down.
Men like him are true soldiers...
Men like him ensure that their daughters never feel any less privileged to be their children than if they were boys...
Men like him ensure that their daughters know that every problem can be surpassed...
Men like him ensure that their daughters will be strong enough to withstand all pressures in life...
Men like him ensure that their daughters will not need soldiers to protect them...
Men like him ensure that their daughters  will be the soldiers to protect all humanity...
Men like him need to be saluted...
For they have ensured that their daughters are better than the sons of many others!
Thank you papa...
For giving us the best gift you could have given us...Love and confidence!
We love you!
"Fathers teach their best lessons to their children, by the way they handle life when confronted with adversities." Linda Lovejoy
This post is a part of #Soldierforwomen in association with
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