Hair & Beauty Magazine

I'm Back!

By Bellavitaxo
I was gone way longer than I intended to be! It's been a crazy few weeks with moving and working and now finally we have the internet set up so I can get back to updating. I've been trying a few new products which I want to tell you about in the next few days.
So, I guess I'll tell you a little about where I've been and what I've been doing! We've settled into our new home well. I've always said that I would never live with anyone unless I'm engaged to them, so this is the first (and only) time I've moved in with someone. Everyone told me to be prepared for disagreements - the first week was the worst! Especially as it was also an incredibly stressful week at work as well, next time I have to do this, I know to take the week off! But overall, we've actually adjusted pretty well. We live in a private apartment block so I have a permit for my own parking space (that was the most important thing to me when we were looking for homes) and the building is very secure which is also really important to us. The flat itself has two bedrooms, two bathrooms and an open plan kitchen and living area. We wanted two bedrooms so that we won't be pressured to move to a bigger place when we start having a family. Dealing with the estate agents to get this place was an absolute nightmare, never ever go through Pattinsons. They have the worst organisation and customer service I've ever come across in my life, it's absolutely shocking!
As for work, it has been an interesting experience and honestly, it's flown over! I'm glad I got involved with the company to give myself something to do over summer, and I feel I've learned a lot. I'm not sure exactly when the contract ends, but soon it will be time to go back to school, but not before I go on holiday! I need this holiday, believe me! As soon as I come back from holiday, I'll be back at university and then it will be our engagement party!
So I will be back to regular updating as of tomorrow, starting with reviews of some lovely products I've been trying out :)

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