I am not sure which is harder on your body - training for a marathon or spending a few days in Vegas. Both wreak havoc. Both include dehydration, fatigue, possible injury, G.I. distress, and the consumption of many calories. My total sleep for 3 nights was 14 hours, for a whopping average of 4.6666666 hours per night. I take total responsibility for this because I insisted on staying out late and playing blackjack, then getting up at 6:30 a.m. to work out. This shows I am a very dedicated gambler and athlete.

I look okay at 2 a.m. Not so good the next morning
One of my most favorite things to do in Vegas is to run up and down the Strip in the early morning. Nowhere on earth do you get a better or more eclectic mix of the human race. One can see everything from prostitutes to hard core runners to people who never made it to bed the night before (and scream at you in their drunken stupor), to families just out for a little sightseeing (prostitute sighting!).
Our flight left Vegas for Denver at 7:20 a.m. this morning, so when the guy in front of me took his bag out of the overhead compartment and hit me in the head with it, I scarcely noticed. That is how tired I was/am. But, now I am home, and re-entry to reality is never easy. Actually, it can be an outright bitch.
Here are some highlights from the trip, if you care:
Best New Restaurant We Tried: El Segundo Sol (on the Strip across from the Wynn) for the margaritas and fishbowl of guacamole (you know how I love my guac)

Best Restaurant Overall : NOBU (sushi) at the Hard Rock. I also liked the new Steven Tyler display they have there (is that a nipple ring?):

Best Quote From the Trip: “No one should ever have to go to the ATM.” I was playing blackjack and losing my shirt. I muttered under my breath that I might have to make the walk of shame to the ATM. The guy beside me was on a winning streak, and started giving me $25 chips to bet. That’s when he told me no one should EVER have to go to the ATM. If only.
Best Person at the Pool: The 54 year old guy from Michigan wearing the bright fluorescent green banana hammock. He wore the same one in black the next day so I think he has one in every color. I was sad to leave today because I did not get to see which color might emerge. After all, Thursday might be hot pink banana hammock day and that is something I hate to miss.
Best Fight Witnessed: Two girls in the pool at the Wynn screaming at each other across the water because one girl said the other girl’s boobs were fake and apparently they were NOT. “I have had these since I was 12 years old!!”
Best Picture From the Trip: This girl photo bombing me an Erika. We have no idea who she is.

Best new drink (which I actually did not have, but I wanted to tell you about it): Bacon martini (because bacon now has to be in lip gloss, on donuts, and in cocktails). Nothing like bacon infused vodka to go with your eggs.

So now, it’s onto serious Ironman Florida training. 18 weeks and counting. I meet with a potential coach tomorrow. I’ll let you know how it goes. Thanks for all of your advice from my last post. I’m ready to get this thing STARTED!!
Do you like trying new restaurants or just sticking with the old stand bys? I am a stand by girl – when I find something I like I tend to stay with it.
Do you always work out while on vacation? YES. I don’t see any reason not to – the facilities are amazing these days (depending where you stay – plus places like the Wynn charge you for it whether you use it or not, so you might as well) and I think the absolute best way to see a new place is while running.