Lifestyle Magazine

I Discovered That I Need Braces After Visiting A Orthodontist

By Princessonfilm @Princessonfilm
I Discovered That I Need Braces After Visiting A Orthodontist
It's been such a long time since i last posted my on my blog as so much has been happening that i haven't had the time to sit down and focus on anything,  It hasn't been that long Since Christmas and i feel that we are still celebrating it but i know that we ain't, I just wanted to make a post that i have been waiting to share for a while now and i have only had the courage to make the blog post regarding it. I have never ever had any issues / problems with my teeth growing up i always had regular checkups and treatment when i needed it, I was under a dentist that visited my special needs school in a trailer that done all our check ups! Since i have been growing up i have always been self confidence about my teeth and the way that they was developing. My mom always told me that my teeth are fine and they was coming though naturally and theres no need to worry, In my early teens i was seeing a regular dentist and then they discovered that there was something with my wisdom teeth coming though and how that was gonna push all my front and back teeth forward and i would then need braces and then the wisdom tooth removed, I never experienced pain like it when they was coming though and my cheek was blowed up for days and i wanted them out as soon as i could. I went back to the dentist a few weeks later and they said that everything was doing nicely and i wouldn't need the wisdom tooth out and no braces would be needed after all! I took a visit to the orthodontist to see what they could do for me and they said that my teeth was in excellent condition and no treatment was needed.
Since then i have been to see a regular dentist by me and they offer just the basic treatment and the dentist has told me so much about my teeth i just don't know what to believe anymore, I first went there and they told me that i had a problem with grinding my teeth at night and discolour enamel to my teeth because i drink a lot of coke so a month guard was made for me for my bottom teeth and then i started to wear that for a few months and then i stopped wearing it because i was in so much pain with it. Since then i have back and forward to the same person to tell me the same thing again and again and one day i woke up and i noticed that one of my tooth on the top  was going inwards and i was then in a lot of pain and the pain was to much to bare with so i went back to the dentist and then i saw someone knew and basically told me so much that i couldn't understand her, She also said that i grind my teeth at night and then said that i have something wrong with my jaw (This was new to me) and said that i had to do regular exercisers to try and put my jaw straight, the dentist told me that i would continue to keep getting jaw pains and that issue with that tooth on the top line of my teeth, She also asked me if i ever had braces ? and i said that i went to see a  Orthodontist many years ago regarding treatment and i asked i asked why? she never told me in the end. I was yet again given a month guard to wear to bed for this time the top row of teeth and that was that.
Over Christmas i wasn't hardly wearing the month guard that was made for me yet again because i was waking up in more pain and i just left it alone and put it in my draw, I was thinking i need this sorted out as this pain was doing my head in and my jaw was killing me when i was opening my month and also when i am eating. So one day i decided to take a look at some braces again and i knew that a cost would be involved and i never knew if braces would fix the problem that was going on with my jaw, So as i was searching for it on Google and there it was staring in the front of my own two eyes! Braces can fix your jaw and line it up where it should be and this was all new to me. I was then looking around for some Orthodontists around my local area and i remembered that my friend went to the one in town that offers the treatment, So i looked on there webpage for some more information and found that they had a free consultation and i couldn't resit saying no and to get more information regarding my teeth.
I rang up for a appointment a few weeks ago and my friend came with me and supported me though it all and the place is lovely and fitted out with all the latest stuff, I was then seen by a amazing person who was lovely and friendly and asked me what could i do for you? and i explained whats wrong and then he told me the news that i was waiting for, He said do you grind your teeth at night? i replied yes and also do you have a month guard and i replied yes i do but i cannot wear it because it makes my jaw more painful when i wake up in the morning. He said that i have a very overcrowd overbite on the left hand side of my jaw and no one has discovered this and he said thats where your pain is coming from and he also asked me to bite down for me and there it was your jaw is out of line.
He said it was up to me if i wanted the treatment or not because if i grind my teeth and if i have braces on would i get more pain that i was getting before with the month guard? i replied i only get the pain in the mornings when i wake up and thats it.  He then explained to me what kinda braces would i need and he said that i have to have the basic mental ones and with rubber bands too on each side of my month so it can help my jaw come back into line and i also asked if i cold have pink brackets and he said usually we don't have them on these braces but we will put some in for you witch was lovely of him.
The next thing was the full cost of the treatment i knew that it wouldn't be cheap if i am going private and i asked my family to give me a hand with all the costs and no one in my family wants to help me to achieve better teeth and jaw. So i asked how much the full cost of the treatment is and he said that it would be over £3,000 as the braces for the top and the bottom is £15,000 each so thats just about the right amount. I told my mom about the price and she said thats to much and i said that i am having the treatment done anyway because i cannot stand this pain no more, As my friend was with me they told me about a payment plan that would be for 2 years whilst the treatment is going ahead, My friend worked it out to be about £120 - £160 a month witch isn't to bad for getting better teeth and a jaw thats gonna be fixed back to where it should be. I am due to go back at the start of next month for some x-rays and impressions and then hopefully the first bracket should go in 2 or 4 weeks.
I still don't know if i have to pay when the braces go on or i have to pay half toward the start of the payment plan as they never told me when i went there? So i will have to ask when i go back in a few weeks to see what they say because if i do have to make a payment i will have to save up.
I am looking forward to be getting my overbite fixed and my jaw too but i am not to keen on the idea that i have to go back every 6 weeks to get the brackets tighten up but saying that the teeth or the over bite will not get fixed. My mom isn't to sure about the idea about me having the treatment done and she also said that they are only doing it so they can get that £3,000 off me and i don't have a issue with my teeth and jaw. I do admit that i do have kinda straight teeth but my jaw is the main problem and it needs fixing because i don't want to have jaw surgery as i have seen that being done on YouTube and i don't want to be put though that.
I am looking forward to the day when my braces are put on for the first time ever and seeing that lovely new smile and a much improved jaw,
 Here are some photos of my left & right side to show you what i mean about my jaw!
I Discovered That I Need Braces After Visiting A OrthodontistI Discovered That I Need Braces After Visiting A Orthodontist
As you can see that my left hand side of my jaw is not right as it sticking out of my cheekbone and this absolutely kills me when i try and take photo's of my jaw and i do apologize for the photographs as i was in pain when i was taking these, Also the overbite also sticks out of my cheekbone and my uncle and my mom can actually see it and my mom touched it as well. You might not see it on these photographs but the problem is there!
This is why i need the treatment and i am hoping that wearing braces and bands for the next two years is gonna improve it, I do hate it and living with the pain that it causes me every day and i will keep everyone updated on the progress!
Rianna xo

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