Am a Nailpolish and Lipstick addict, a crazy shopaholic Wife and Mum blogging about shopping, makeup, beauty, fashion and everything beautiful!!
That's in short about me and this is my story ~
I was in Human Resources when i met my husband and got married. Marriage in a Week, Pregnancy within 2 months of Marriage; alot was happening at once. With major complications in Pregnancy, i somehow managed to deliver a healthy and beautiful baby. And with baby, things changed!! Had to leave my job and opted to stay back to care of the baby and family. Being a nuclear family has many disadvantages; the only thing good about it is one tends to get much tougher and stronger over the period of time!! Now with a Workaholic Husband and a naughty 6 yr old Kid, life takes a different turn everyday. For one may think being at home one has nothing to do when compared to the fulltime Professional Job, but infact its just the opposite!!Now ....I am no working Professional, yet i have tight schedules and work almost 24/7 with deadlinesI have no boss and yet i give into the wishes of two crazy ones at home!!
Being a Mum and Wife is no easy job!! From being a Cook, Maid, Care-taker, Teacher and a Parent; its one roller coaster ride!! And with a dose of being a Friend, Daughter, Sister, Cousin and Daughter-in-law life gets a little crazy at times.Such life seems imperfect juggling too many things at once, but its imperfectly perfect!!I may not have won a best Performance Award or a Rockstar Award for that matter( which i might have had a chance if i had a paid job), but the smiles and the hugs at the end of the day makes up for all that!!
Being a Mum ~
Being a Mum and a Wife has indefinite roles and responsibilities and yet it is an unpaid job!! As a blogger I occasionally attend events, blog almost daily. I often get reasons to look pretty and stylish and yet at the end of the day its my Love and Affection, the tender care for my loved ones defines who i am; I am as beautiful as Love itself.........
ME Mia....
me freedom... me maverick...
me alive... me kicking... me groovy... me fanatic... me conscious... me sixth lovable... me caring... me soulful... me sense of humor... me sense of brash... me creative... me sweet... me colors... me fizz... me fire... me awe inspiring... me full of Mia.... !!!
Love yourself and the World will Love you....
P.s ~ This post is for the Bloggers Contest by Tanishq ~ As Beautiful as your WorkIf you'd like to view the other entries or submit your own story click here ~ Mia Tanishq Bloggers Contest
♥ Sangy