LOL this is too funny.
Russia is turning into a hunter gatherer society I suppose.
And the great hunter comrades destroy the vicious fascist pig!
When you go out on a date with a Russian girl, the first thing she asks you is, “How good are you at killing wild boars?”
Yeehaw, pulled pork for the whole neighborhood!
In Soviet Russia, boar hunts you!
In the US Southwest, especially in places like Arkansas, there is a huge wild boar problem. The main issue is that once they get to a certain size, they really have no natural predators other than mountain lions, and cougars have been eradicated from much of their native habitat other than some urban nightclubs.
The boar problem is so serious in Arkansas that wardens issue permits for total eradication in some areas. They are also common in Florida and especially Georgia, so common that they are becoming pests. Boars here are an invasive species. The whole population stems from a few boars brought to the US by settlers 500 years ago. They also reproduce very fast. Even if 85% of the population dies or is killed every year, the population will merely be stable. These things are unbelievable dangerous, even to people who hunt them. They are like pigs on PCP. Mean as Hell.