Entertainment Magazine

Hung Up On HoneyBlood ...

Posted on the 01 March 2014 by Tlb Music Blog @TLB_Blog
There's something about a female grunge band that we always find fascinating. We really want to hate it all, because the vocals aren't technically great, and the aggression can be perceived as a bit daunting and miserable ... but, we find, that in the case of HoneyBlood especially, we can't help but love and embrace the grunge. We're a bit bored of Pop Princesses now, and can see the future looking bright with their new single, Choker.
Hung Up On HoneyBlood ...It's a little unorthodox, and we're sure that for many it'll come across a bit too vulgar, but there is absolutely no denying that their ability to make something both catchy and aggressive is second to none. There's something about this track, probably the riff, that keeps it spinning around in our heads hours after we've given it a listen ... but even in the midst of all of this praise, we can't put our fingers on why it appeals so much.
We find this sort of track has become more popular of late, and can't help but support the way in which the industry is changing. The likes of Findlay got our attention a while back, and with HoneyBlood in the lineup now too, we think the beginning of something new and exciting could well be on the horizon.
The thing with Choker, is that you'd sincerely expect a male vocalist ... however, when the almost HAIM-esque pipes do come in ... you'll have to step aback, but you won't necessarily do it with haste or disgust. It'll take you a few seconds to adjust, granted, but this is one that once the ears have mellowed, will keep the fire burning in you for plenty of time.

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