November 17, 2013, admin, Family, Reviews, , 0
Silentnight carried out some research last year into sleep patterns of parents and the results were that only 1 in 4 get a good night’s sleep. This is not really a surprise to me!

Before I became a parent I slept like a log. Nothing could rise me from my slumber and I would get out of bed at the very last minute every day. My bed was my favorite place!
Since having children sleep has become a luxury and a lie in a very rare occurrence! The problem is the Little A’s have never been good sleepers. Little Mr A slept in with us pretty much from the word go and it wasn’t until he was aged 3 that he actually slept in his own bed all night most nights.

This was incredibly tiring as, like most children, he would make sure he had the majority of the bed with myself and Big Mr A hanging onto the edge for dear life!
So we were just getting used to having a full night’s sleep again and what did we do? That’s right, have another baby! Things started well with Little Miss A. She slept in her crib next to our bed and, apart from her feeds, would sleep through. Then came the teething. Since around 6 months she has not slept well at all. We are having to go through the whole baby in the bed again! No matter how hard we try to get her to sleep in her own room she’s having none of it!
The other thing that keeps me awake at night, other than having a wriggling baby in the bed, is I get so hot! We don’t have many blankets on and the heating goes off a long time before we go to bed but it doesn’t seem to matter. I’m always too hot and end up having half of me laying on top of the covers.
To try and help me get a better night’s sleep Silentnight sent me a nighttime nanny. Ok, they didn’t really, that was in my dreams! What they did send to me though was to help with the other problem of being too hot. A Chillow. No, I hadn’t heard of it either!
So what is it? A Chillow is a special pillow that you fill with water and it remains cool permanently. Once filled the water is absorbed into the foam core of the Chillow and will remain cool permanently. It does not require refrigeration unless you want to be extra cool and it is soft with memory foam properties.
What do I think? I have been using the Chillow for just over a week now and I am still getting used to it. For the first night I put it on top of my pillows but found that I kept waking up due to the feel of it. I have now placed it in between my two pillows and, for me, I am finding this a much better solution. It means I have the cool pillow when I need it but I am still laying on my own pillows.
I am hoping that once Little Miss A settles into a good nighttime routine we will get our bed, and a full night’s sleep back, however, until then I will just have to make do with hanging onto the edge of the bed clinging onto my Chillow!
Disclaimer – I was sent a Chillow from Silentnight in return for this post. All photographs are my own and are not to be used without my permission.