Body, Mind, Spirit Magazine

How Well Do “YOU” Do Self Care?

By Jenrene


retreat candle Recently, I received this awesome self-care assessment from someone; and I can truly say I appreciate it. I don’t want to alarm you, but if you aren’t doing ANY of these, your emotional, spiritual and  mental health life may not be in order and you actually may be actually quite stressed. I have completed quite a few self-care assessments, but this one, I actually like because it’s really thorough and gives you several examples. It even includes workplace self-care; which we often don’t think about because sometimes  at work we tend to lose our voices.

Okay, so it’s time to assess yourself  and find out how you are doing, and remember this should be something you evaluate every two weeks, because its something that you should do regularly for good mental and emotional health. Rate the following areas according to how well you think you are doing: x) Never occurred to me 1) Never 2) Rarely 3) Occasionally 4) Frequently


__Eat regularly (3 meals)

__Healthy Eating


__Preventive Medical Care

__Seek acute Medical Care

__Take time off when sick

__Dance, sing, playing sports or other physical activity

__Getting enough Sleep


__Get massage


__Take Vacation

__Wear clothes that you like

__Disconnect from Media

__Make time for self-reflection

__Seeing therapist


__Reading fun stuff

__Decrease stress

__Attend concert, sports event, theater production

__Practice receiving from others

__Be curious

__Say No sometimes

__Make time to be sexual


__Spend time with friends; ( or join clubs, etc. to  meet them) 

__Stay connected to others

__Give yourself affirmations

__Engages in comforting activities

__Allow yourself to be sad; to cry.


__Play with children, pets

__Listen to music


__Make time for self-reflection

__Spend time with nature

__Engage in spiritual connection or community


__Read inspirational literature or a devotional

__Try at times to NOT be in charge or the expert

__Be open to not knowing


__Attend religious/spiritual retreats or  events


__Take a break during the workday

__Take time to chat with colleagues

__Make quiet time to complete tasks

__Identify projects or tasks that are exciting & rewarding

__Set limits with patients, colleagues, friends, etc.

__Balanced caseload

__Work space is comfortable and comforting

__Receive regular supervision/consultation/feedback from peer mentors or supervisor

__Negotiate for your needs

__Peer support group

BALANCE __Strive for balance within your work life __Strive for balance within your personal life

Balance just means just taking time to  evaluate whether you are doing these  things regularly and with consistency.  

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