Actually, sometimes we confuse it with another more common type of scar called hypertrophic scars, these are flat scars that can range from pink to brown in color. Unlike keloids, hypertrophic scars are smaller, and they can go away on their own over time.
A keloid is an abnormal size of scar tissue that forms at the site of cutaneous injury. It does not regress and grows beyond the original margins of the scar.

- A localized area that is fresh pink or red-colored
- A lumpy or ridged area of skin that's usually raised
- An area that continues to grow larger with scar tissue over time
- An itchy patch of skin
There is nothing to worry we can cure it without any side effects by herbs with help of Ayurveda. Shodhan is the very first step of treatment, so that blood circulation gets improved in this region.
The oral herbal and Ayurvedic medicines balance the Kapha dosha, which represents one of the humor that is representing water content.
These are the medicines that are given to the patient for keloids but it's highly recommended and warned that these medicines without prior consultation to Ayurveda physician are not advisable to any patient so be aware before taking these medicines.
Below there are some of the medicines which are prescribed by Ayurveda
1. Lavender Oil
Lavender oil has anti-inflammatory properties, which make it a great herb for treating and healing the skin, it also balances the moisture of the skin.
How to use it?
After cleaning the affected area, just apply Lavender oil with cotton on the affected area. Use this oil 2 times a day regularly for 20-25 days.
2. Mustard Oil
The constituents in mustard oil are - Omega-6 linoleic acid, omega-3 alpha-linolenic acid, and erucic acid and allyl isothiocyanate, which makes it a great medicinal oil although it is used as an oil in Asian countries for the edible purpose also. We can use it for treating skin problems also. It is used to lessen the dryness of skin and improving the texture of skin by massaging gently.
How to Use it?
The way to use mustard oil is simple; just apply it to affected areas, 3 times a day.
3. Aloe Vera
It has cooling properties and it's anti-inflammatory, hence it's a most natural remedy for skin disorders, it's rich in antioxidants and minerals; it helps to retain the skin moisture also, treats all types of skin diseases, it repairs harmed skin, diminishes irritation on the skin.
How to use it?
You just have to clean the skin with warm water and simply apply the Aloe Vera gel on the affected area. You can apply it for more than 20 days as you see positive results in the affected area.
4. Garlic
Boil some garlic cloves in mustard oil and rub it on the affected area for 10 minutes.
5. Honey
Is the ancient herb which is used in many skin diseases? It speeds up healing of skin cells, it helps to reduce inflammation.
How to use it?
Honey is more beneficial when it is mixed with sandalwood, you can make a paste of it by mixing them well. To prepare a paste mix honey and sandalwood and put it into a bowl mix them very well till both of them get mixed up very nicely and apply this paste on the affected area after 20 minutes just rinse it with lukewarm water. Do this once a day, for 2 to 20 days.
6. Lemon Juice
Lemon contains alpha hydroxy acid and citric acid with vitamin-C, it works as a good anti-oxidant, that's why it is useful for skin disorders.
How to use it?
Mix a few drops of coconut water with lemon juice; apply it to the affected area for 10 to 15 minutes. You can use this remedy twice a day for 20 days continuously without break.
7. Baking Soda
It has an abrasive agent that helps in cleaning the skin and helps to keep it in good hygiene and it can also boost your collagen level. It can benefit the skin in multiple ways as it has many healing properties.
How to use it?
Combine the baking soda with ratio 1:3 to hydrogen peroxide, with the help of cotton ball apply it on the affected area and let it remain for 20 to 25 minutes, after that wash with warm water. Try this remedy for 3 to 4 times a day for a week.
8. Sandalwood
As sandalwood has many anti-oxidant properties and cooling agents in it, that's why it is very useful for the healing purpose for skin disorders, for keloids treatment, as well.
How to use it?
Sandalwood is known as a skin regenerator and rose water is a skin toner. When they combine to make a paste, they can do wonders and apply it on the affected area. It helps in reducing keloids. Try twice a day for 10 days.
9. Neem (Azadirachta indica)
Neem is known as a wonderful herb for skin disorders due to its therapeutic properties. Neem has proved its effectiveness against fungi that infect the human body. In Ayurveda, it has a very good reputation as it is known as "Arishtha" which means sickness reliever.
How to use it?
Just make a paste of neem leaves by boiling them in water, after boiling just add honey and yogurt and make a paste out of it and just apply it on the affected area for 10 minutes, after 10 minutes rinse it off with lukewarm water.
10. Petroleum Jelly
Petroleum jelly is used for various skin disorders. It is used as a moisturizer for many years.
How to use it?
Just apply it with a cotton ball and massage it for 5 minutes twice a day, as petroleum jelly is an occlusive agent, it helps in reducing the size of the affected area.
11. Onion Juice
Onion has anti-bacterial as well as antiseptic properties that is why it is the best to fight with skin disorders. It has therapeutic properties to fight against infections causing skin problems; It has many minerals as well as vitamins for healthy skin like iron, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, etc.
How to use it?
a) Mix 1 tablespoon of onion juice with 5 drops of Lavender oil, mix them well, massage on your affected area for 5 minutes. You can use this remedy twice daily for 12 days.
b) Mix 2 teaspoons of onion juice with 1 teaspoon of lime juice, mix them well with the help of cotton, apply it on the affected area, after 10 to 15 minutes rinse them with lukewarm water. Do it once daily for 15 days regularly.
12. Jojoba Oil
Jojoba oil has nutrients like vitamin E and B and minerals like copper, zinc, and chromium, it has a huge amount of antioxidants and minerals. It is recommended for skin disorders for many years.
How to use it?
Mix jojoba oil with few drops of olive oil. Just its simple application twice a day for 15 days shows beneficial results.
13. Virgin Coconut Oil
Coconut oil contains anti-bacterial properties and nutritive properties due to the presence of lauric acid, vitamin F and linoleic acid. It considers very beneficial for skin ailments.
How to use it?
Take One Teaspoon of Virgin Coconut Oil with One teaspoon Of Tea Tree Oil, Mix Them and apply it with a cotton ball on the affected area.
Ayurvedic Treatment for Keloids
It's a natural therapy that detoxifies the body, helps to maintain inner balance and vitality. When we become unable to digest our food. When our digestive energies, which are known as Agni, are in balance with our system, we produce a subtle essence called "Ojas" which is the basis of our physical strength and immunity, if our 'Agni "is weakened our digestion gets affected and we become prone to certain diseases. Panchkarma is a cleaning process that helps to release the stored toxins from the body and helps in improving the body`s healing ability. Thus it is useful in treating keloids.
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