Taken by Tim Wall when reviewing Mutt’s Amazing Hot Dogs for EatAroundOKC which you can see here:
Mutt’s Amazing Hot Dogs is the very first place I ever had duck fat fries. $5 an order, no less. Then, I decided to buy some at the store:
From Balitmore Sun Newspaper.
This was $6 for a 1/2 pound tub several years ago!
Then I learned to make my own! I just made some last weekend and here’s how I did it.
If you purchase a frozen duck or use a fresh one, you must pick the pin feathers first and foremost. Then wash the bird in cool water and pat dry with paper towels. I plugged in my smoker and then I placed the duck on the second rack – closer to the bowl of water. My bird weighs 4 lbs. so I will smoke for 4 hours.
Take it out, loosely cover with foil, and let set for about 20 minutes. Then make a slit in the skin of the duck and pull the skin/fat up like this:
Pull the fat off the bird completely. Now, you can chop it up in small pieces (but I was tired this time and didn’t do that). Place in a skillet and barely cover with water, place on a low flame or set to “low” on an electric stove top.
Let it render down for some time and eventually, it will look like this:
Set up a bowl, a good strainer, and clean cotton dish towel. Some people use cheese cloth but I like the tighter weave of the dish towel.
Strain the duck fat. If it’s not clear enough for you, then strain it again until it is as clear as you want it.
Now, you can freeze it for up to 6 months or place in the back of the refrigerator for a few weeks.
You have the skin left – place it back in the skillet like this: