How to Mount a Staghorn Fern
This is the ‘IT’ plant this year as far as I’m concerned. I just love the majestic-ness of this amazing plant. You may find it already mounted at your local plant store, but if you don’t this is how to mount a Staghorn fern yourself.

I did these up at work ( Potter’s ) this week and since I was shooting pictures to show folks how to do it, I thought I might as well do a post on it too.
Use an old board, preferably one that is well weathered and rustic looking…I found some perfect boards out behind our greenhouse. You’ll need some chicken wire, moss, a Staghorn fern and some rich potting mix.

Place the plant in the center of the board slightly fanning out the roots. Pack some of the potting mix around the root ball and form a mound.

Pat the moss around the mound pulling the soil up into it and tuck it under the leaves of the Staghorn fern.

Wrap the strip of chicken wire around the mound forming a basket to hold everything in. Staple this to the board and make sure your pulling the basket tight for a secure fit.
When you’ve got it all stapled in, trim the excess chicken wire and bend pointy ends in towards the mound. Give it a thorough watering and allow it to drain in the sink. I added 4 thumbtacks to the back to make it sit off the wall slightly and pre-drilled two holes at the top to thread jute twine through to hang it.

Staghorn ferns prefer bright indirect light, so find a nice sunny window they can be close by. You can keep them outdoors during the warmer months, but store them indoors if you live in a northern clime for winter.
Water sparingly but mist it often…it likes humidity. If he outgrows his board ( yes….it’s a he

If you liked this mossy project..check out my moss clipboard on HomeTalk with dozens of other idea’s!
Peace Love Garden