Lifestyle Magazine

How to Make Your About Page Different From the Competition

By Lynnwhite619 @lynnwhite

This is one of the best places to use video on your website. Imagine a Bride going to your website and rather than seeing paragraph after paragraph explaining who you are, what you do, and what makes you different, why not tell her by showing her (remember show and tell when you were a little kid)? Imagine her surprise one; to see a video there rather than a bunch of paragraphs, and two, you immediately stand out above the competition. Go online and do a search for the wedding service you provide; wedding caterer, wedding photographer, wedding planner, wedding florist, and count how many have an about page that is a video; you’ll only need one hand for counting.

You don’t have to have a fancy video camera to do this or spend money to have a Videographer do this for you (now don’t get me wrong, it’s great if you can have a professional videographer do this, but not everyone can afford to do this). Many cameras have a video feature. Just set it on a tripod, and there you go! Most computers have cameras on them so you could always use your camera and it allows the Bride to see you office, where you work. If you feel a little strange talking to a camera, why not have a friend interview you? You could have your very own “Oprah Show” taping in your home or office!

How to Make Your About Page Different From the Competition

It allows the Bride to see you office, where you work. If you feel a little strange talking to a camera, why not have a friend interview you? You could have your very own “Oprah Show” taping in your own office!

You can make it as personal or formal as you like. Have a dog
that is your sidekick? Include him in the video! Brides love
making their animals apart of their wedding and this will really
allow her to connect with you. If you prefer to keep the video
more formal, then as I stated earlier, you can have your office
as the backdrop to your video.

Whatever set up you choose, just make sure that your video represents you. If you are a serious person, then be serious. If you are a little silly, then be a little silly in your video. If you aren’t true and genuine, she will be able to smell it a mile away and will quickly close that browser to move on to the next website.

Bottom line is, don’t let not having a fancy video, thinking you look silly, or goofy deter you from this; Brides won’t be paying attention to this. They will be paying attention to if and how they connect with you.

Want to learn more ways to use video on your website?  Download your copy of, “The Top 3 Ways to Use Video On Your Website.”

How do you use video on your website?


© 2011-2012.  Techie Wedding Pros

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