Arts & Crafts Magazine
It's no secret that volunteer visits to your local daycare center can be a little nerve-wracking. Mimi and her cousin are both on school holidays, whilst Lotti still had her weekly day-care day. Trying to find things for kids to do on holidays is tricky, and so too is trying to convince Lotti that she's not missing out on anything. To make the most of it, I took Mimi and her cousin to day-care to help with a make-a-hat craft activity with Lotti and her friends.
Making hats is a fun and easy craft project when you're at home. Making hats with 20 under 3 year olds is a little more challenging.
* Every child chose a coloured strip (the full length of an A4 page and about 3cm / 1" wide),
* They decorated it with textas and crayons,
* Then we stapled the strip to cutout templates of hats.
(The template and instructions for the paper hats are on our Pages 43-44 of the FREE "How to host a themed party" Ebook. )
Trying to decipher made-up words was the hardest part of the morning. I know what Lotti's bubble and squeak sounds mean, listening to everyone else speak babble was like attending a UN convention!
It was a real buzz to see a room full of pirates and princesses, sadly, we weren't allowed to take photos of 'other peoples children' so my photo of Lotti will have to suffice!
I highly recommend trying not just one hat; but 20! Go on... get crazy-crafty!
Making hats is a fun and easy craft project when you're at home. Making hats with 20 under 3 year olds is a little more challenging.
* Every child chose a coloured strip (the full length of an A4 page and about 3cm / 1" wide),
* They decorated it with textas and crayons,
* Then we stapled the strip to cutout templates of hats.
(The template and instructions for the paper hats are on our Pages 43-44 of the FREE "How to host a themed party" Ebook. )
Trying to decipher made-up words was the hardest part of the morning. I know what Lotti's bubble and squeak sounds mean, listening to everyone else speak babble was like attending a UN convention!
It was a real buzz to see a room full of pirates and princesses, sadly, we weren't allowed to take photos of 'other peoples children' so my photo of Lotti will have to suffice!
I highly recommend trying not just one hat; but 20! Go on... get crazy-crafty!