Aging is a natural part of life and it comes to all of us. Getting older involves negative and positive changes to the body but don't let these changes affect your life. Instead look for ways to maintain good health in old age too and enjoy this phase of your life. Are you also close to the category of senior citizens? If so, do you want to keep yourself healthy in old age too? "Yes"! But, is it really possible? Again, yes! Yes, you can maintain your good health at old age too! Do you want to know- how it can be possible? Keep on reading this article and know the aging tips that can help you stay physically and emotionally healthy and keep your mind sharp.

7 easy tips to keep your health good at old age
Stay hydrated
- You can't ignore water! Water is a natural source to stay hydrated. If you lose more fluids than you take in, you will have dehydration.
What will happen next
- Do you ever have noticed your grandmother or grandfather complaining of headache or fatigue? Yes, you are thinking right; it was the result of dehydration. Well, dehydration may not only cause fatigue and headaches but also confusion, loss of appetite and poor concentration. Now, you may wonder how important it is to keep yourself hydrated in old age.
Stay active
- Exercise is a good way to stay active. You may feel like it should be the last thing you should look for. But rather than looking for this at the end, it is good to make this a topmost priority. Exercising regularly can make a huge difference to your health.
* You don't have to go to the gym and perform some cardio. A simple evening or morning walk in the park can do the wonders. Go to shops in your nearby area by walking instead of driving. Do some cleaning at your home. Spend some time on gardening.
Regular health checkups
- This is the most important thing which many people ignore and suddenly one day, they feel pain somewhere in their body and get diagnosed for a serious health problem. Why wait to visit your doctor to get a long list of medications? Why not have regular health check-ups to minimize the chances of making things serious health problem! Are you alsoone among those who don't pay a visit to their doctor until something goes wrong?
* If so, then change your thinking now and go for regular health check-ups to ensure everything is running like it should be and catch any health issue long before it becomes serious.
Get enough sleep-
- Do you love spending time with your children late night because they get free only at that time from their busy schedule? If so, chances are you may not even sleep for 8 hours.
- So, you need to be a little selfish this time. Lack of sufficient sleep can lead to depression, poor concentration and memory problems. So, you need to go to bed a little early at night to have enough sleep. Waking up late in the morning can also work if you are sleeping late at night. Take short naps during day time as well when you feel sleepy.
- Being socially active can keep your mental health good. Instead of thinking and feeling sad due to your fight with your children that happened last night, it is good to interact with your friends or relatives, and to distract yourself from any negative thought.
* You can join a community and do things you find joy in and avoid loneliness in your old age. Call your old friend and have a conversation with him over the phone. Visit your relatives often and have a cup of tea with them. In short, re-energize yourself not physically only but mentally too.
Quit smoking and limit alcohol consumption-
- You already know this fact- Smoking is injurious to health! Your grandchildren have even learned this thing.
- Regular consumption of alcohol can also harm your body.
- If these devils are putting you in the danger zone, then why not quit or limit these habits.
- No matter, how much healthy and well-balanced diet you are eating, you must still not ignore the dangers of smoking or alcohol consumption. If you are a regular smoker or drinker, then it's time to quit these habits. After all, it's a question of your health at an old age.
Take dietary supplements-
- Deficiency of nutrients in older people is a common problem and so they find it difficult to maintain their heart, bone, and overall health. No doubt, we can get all the nutrients from our diet but sometimes it becomes challenging. In such situations, taking vitamin supplements can offer a wise solution.
- So, why not supplement your diet with some good and effective dietary supplements such as Arjuna capsules and Total heart support to promote heart health, Coral calcium complex and Bone support capsules to maintain healthy calcium levels and bone health, Stress support to manage stress and Brahmi chyawanprash, Shilajit capsules and Amalaki rasayana to maintain overall good health at old age.
- Do not be stressed out for silly things such as what will happen to your family when you pass away or how will be your home managed after you. You might be far away from this thing to happen. So, avoid unnecessary stress. Instead, try to stay happy always.
- Value the experience and maturity you gained up to date. Utilize them and maintain your physical, mental and in short, overall health in your old age. Remember it's never too late to start! So, if you have not started following these healthy lifestyle habits yet, start now.
- It's true that time waits for no man but it doesn't mean that your aging will have to decline your health.
- Spend your golden years by making it golden with above described 7 easy tips to be followed to maintain golden aging. Is anyone at your home counted among senior citizens? Do you want them to stay healthy in their old age? If so, then share these tips with them also so that they can maintain their health at this age.
DR. Vikram Chauhan, MD - AYURVEDA is an expert ayurvedic doctor based in Chandigarh, India and doing his practice in Mohali, India. He is spreading the knowledge of Ayurveda - Ancient healing treatment, not only in India but also abroad. He is the CEO and Founder of Planet Ayurveda Products, Planet Ayurveda Clinic and Krishna Herbal Company. Write at - [email protected], Contact at - +91-172-521-4030 Websites -,
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Aging is a natural part of life and it comes to all of us. Getting older involves negative and positive changes to the body but don't let these changes affect your life. Instead look for ways to maintain good health in old age too and enjoy this phase of your life. Are you also close to the category of senior citizens? If so, do you want to keep yourself healthy in old age too? "Yes"! But, is it really possible? Again, yes! Yes, you can maintain your good health at old age too! Do you want to know- how it can be possible? Keep on reading this article and know the aging tips that can help you stay physically and emotionally healthy and keep your mind sharp.

7 easy tips to keep your health good at old age
Stay hydrated
- You can't ignore water! Water is a natural source to stay hydrated. If you lose more fluids than you take in, you will have dehydration.
What will happen next
- Do you ever have noticed your grandmother or grandfather complaining of headache or fatigue? Yes, you are thinking right; it was the result of dehydration. Well, dehydration may not only cause fatigue and headaches but also confusion, loss of appetite and poor concentration. Now, you may wonder how important it is to keep yourself hydrated in old age.
Stay active
- Exercise is a good way to stay active. You may feel like it should be the last thing you should look for. But rather than looking for this at the end, it is good to make this a topmost priority. Exercising regularly can make a huge difference to your health.
* You don't have to go to the gym and perform some cardio. A simple evening or morning walk in the park can do the wonders. Go to shops in your nearby area by walking instead of driving. Do some cleaning at your home. Spend some time on gardening.
Regular health checkups
- This is the most important thing which many people ignore and suddenly one day, they feel pain somewhere in their body and get diagnosed for a serious health problem. Why wait to visit your doctor to get a long list of medications? Why not have regular health check-ups to minimize the chances of making things serious health problem! Are you alsoone among those who don't pay a visit to their doctor until something goes wrong?
* If so, then change your thinking now and go for regular health check-ups to ensure everything is running like it should be and catch any health issue long before it becomes serious.
Get enough sleep-
- Do you love spending time with your children late night because they get free only at that time from their busy schedule? If so, chances are you may not even sleep for 8 hours.
- So, you need to be a little selfish this time. Lack of sufficient sleep can lead to depression, poor concentration and memory problems. So, you need to go to bed a little early at night to have enough sleep. Waking up late in the morning can also work if you are sleeping late at night. Take short naps during day time as well when you feel sleepy.
- Being socially active can keep your mental health good. Instead of thinking and feeling sad due to your fight with your children that happened last night, it is good to interact with your friends or relatives, and to distract yourself from any negative thought.
* You can join a community and do things you find joy in and avoid loneliness in your old age. Call your old friend and have a conversation with him over the phone. Visit your relatives often and have a cup of tea with them. In short, re-energize yourself not physically only but mentally too.
Quit smoking and limit alcohol consumption-
- You already know this fact- Smoking is injurious to health! Your grandchildren have even learned this thing.
- Regular consumption of alcohol can also harm your body.
- If these devils are putting you in the danger zone, then why not quit or limit these habits.
- No matter, how much healthy and well-balanced diet you are eating, you must still not ignore the dangers of smoking or alcohol consumption. If you are a regular smoker or drinker, then it's time to quit these habits. After all, it's a question of your health at an old age.
Take dietary supplements-
- Deficiency of nutrients in older people is a common problem and so they find it difficult to maintain their heart, bone, and overall health. No doubt, we can get all the nutrients from our diet but sometimes it becomes challenging. In such situations, taking vitamin supplements can offer a wise solution.
- So, why not supplement your diet with some good and effective dietary supplements such as Arjuna capsules and Total heart support to promote heart health, Coral calcium complex and Bone support capsules to maintain healthy calcium levels and bone health, Stress support to manage stress and Brahmi chyawanprash, Shilajit capsules and Amalaki rasayana to maintain overall good health at old age.
- Do not be stressed out for silly things such as what will happen to your family when you pass away or how will be your home managed after you. You might be far away from this thing to happen. So, avoid unnecessary stress. Instead, try to stay happy always.
- Value the experience and maturity you gained up to date. Utilize them and maintain your physical, mental and in short, overall health in your old age. Remember it's never too late to start! So, if you have not started following these healthy lifestyle habits yet, start now.
- It's true that time waits for no man but it doesn't mean that your aging will have to decline your health.
- Spend your golden years by making it golden with above described 7 easy tips to be followed to maintain golden aging. Is anyone at your home counted among senior citizens? Do you want them to stay healthy in their old age? If so, then share these tips with them also so that they can maintain their health at this age.