I have tried various lip scrubs in the past with the ones from Lush being my favorite (They just smell so damn good) but I do think £5.50 is a lot for something you can make at home out of things I already have in the kitchen cupboards.
I decided to just make a basic lip scrub using Coconut Oil and Sugar. I melted the coconut oil a little as this time of year its solid and impossible to get out of the jar. I then added 5 tsp into a bowel and 5 level tsp of sugar (I used brown as that's what I had laying around) and mixed together until it became quite firm.
I added a tiny bit of honey to give it more of a sweet scent and honey is also good for dry skin, I then spooned it into the a little jar.
It is as simple as that and took me about 5 minutes. You can add things like vanilla extract or lemon to give it more of a scent but I love the smell of coconut oil and honey so I an quite happy with how it is.
I use the lip scrub a couple of times a week to exfoliate my lips and it leaves them so smooth and soft. I would recommend anyone with chapped lips to try it.
Do let me know if you give this a try?