The 21st century is an era of discovery. Modern technologies allow us to easily cope with obstacles that previously seemed insurmountable. So, the opportunity to conduct business negotiations with foreign partners without leaving your country today will not surprise anyone, and it takes just a few minutes to get a visa to China without personal presence. For queries visit Mychinainterpreter.

However, such barriers still remain in our time, which even the most advanced businessmen have to reckon with. For example, a language barrier, which only a good translator can help overcome.
Chinese language ranks first in the number of speakers. However, not all entrepreneurs who are just starting to establish business contacts with Chinese manufacturers are able to speak freely in local dialects.
In fairness it should be noted that many companies have an English-speaking manager on their staff. But this is often not enough to discuss all the details and nuances. Therefore, the presence of a competent translator is one of the main conditions for a successful business trip to China.

There are 3 options to solve this problem in advance:
- Communication on specialized forums.
There you can find detailed information about prices and conditions of cooperation, recommendations of good specialists. True, there is a risk in the end to encounter insufficiently trained people who advertise themselves in such forums.
This method has many advantages, the most important of which is good experience. A recommendation from people who have already used the services of a translator and have been satisfied may be the best guarantee of their quality.
- Contacting a company that specializes in working with China.
The reliability of this method is supported by the obligations that the company assumes by signing an agreement with you on the provision of certain services. However, their cost may be considerable.
An important circumstance that you should always say at the stage of searching for an interpreter is the direction of your business and the area of production that interests you.
In practice, a translator in China and in Dubai most often turns out to be also a personal assistant, because even the first arrival at the airport and booking hotel rooms can cause you serious difficulties. Therefore it is worth discussing in detail the duties of your translator before concluding an agreement with him.
It is difficult to give a complete list of possible cases in which you need help. However, the main points are still worth considering:
Solving organizational issues in Dubai.
Meeting at the Dubai airport, booking a hotel, renting a transport, organizing leisure and other moments is an important component of any trip abroad.
Participation in business negotiations.
This part of the work places a special responsibility on the translator and requires not only good command of both languages, but also knowledge of the intricacies of business etiquette, secrets of oratory, etc.
Support during business visits and travel.
Visiting trade fairs, Chinese factories and factories involves obtaining the most complete and reliable information about products, impossible without in-depth knowledge of Chinese, including highly specialized vocabulary.
Acting as representative in China.The opportunity to find a reliable supplier, discuss important points of cooperation with him, control the process of production, packaging and loading of goods with the help of his agent in China, saves a lot of time and money on personal trips.
Legal assistance in Dubai.
Work with documents is an important part of the business in the UAE. Translators who regularly carry out agency services know everything about how to register a company in China or Hong Kong, how to carry out customs clearance of goods in Russia, etc.
It is difficult to form a correct idea of a person only from a resume or application form on the site. If you want to hire a competent specialist, chat with applicants live. During the conversation, try to ask more questions about education, knowledge of foreign economic activity and exports from China, experience working with manufacturers. Also note the following points:
Grammatically correct speech. Even if you can't assess the candidate's knowledge of the Chinese language, his knowledge of Russian speech will say a lot. A rich vocabulary and the absence of word-parasites are the main signs of a good linguist.
The presence of specialization. Work in the business field requires translators to have a lot of terms, because they often specialize in a particular area of production, which needs to be clarified in advance.
Organized and balanced. This person will have to organize your stay in a foreign country and remain calm in the most crucial moments of the negotiations. Fussiness, irresponsibility, non-punctuality for him are simply unacceptable.
The Dubai Business Ethics
Neat appearance. This is an integral part of business etiquette. And in China, a sloppy suit and hairstyle are considered to be a personal insult to business partners. Therefore, the representative appearance of the translator is another significant plus.
Interest in the work. The more counter questions the candidate asks you, the more seriously he is focused on work. He should be interested in your plans and subject of the visit, the date and place of their conduct, other duties, etc.
Not less important point - the cost of translation services. It may depend on the number of working days, the place and format of work, the subject of negotiations, additional requirements and vary from 80 to 150 dollars per day. At the same time, it is important to understand: the desire to save on the services of an interpreter can cost your business much more expensive.
The Cheapest way to find translator in Dubai?
- Have a look at people per hour website, they are actually helping other people to translate a text at a very low price.
- Fiverr is another good website where you can hire some people. They are however not super educated executives. They are normal people who would like to make some money online.