Fitness Magazine

How to Escape from the Weight of the World

By Pamela Brown
life happiness, weight loss motivation, boost self-esteem, trouble losing weight, transformational coaching, health tips, i can't lose weight

You become what you absorb.

It’s easy today to let yourself become overwhelmed by the negative things out there. It’s even worse when others around you seem to be happy and healthy while you deal with the huge amount of stresses weighing down on you. But the weight of the world isn’t yours to carry alone, and there are some basic things you can do to help yourself get away from it.

Decrease the Clutter in your Life

For starters, distance yourself from the negative stream of news out there. Switch on the TV or log into a news site and you’ll likely be bombarded by stories of war, famine, disease, murder, and crime. But in reality, just how many of these things have any direct impact on your life, other than to make you afraid or sad? It can be difficult, but unplugging from this glut of bad news is the first step towards feeling better about life in general.

Social media is another big problem. There’s nothing wrong with using it to connect with friends, but if you notice that your social media stream is nothing but negativity, don’t hesitate to mute, un-friend, or block those who are bringing negativity to your life.

Take responsibility for your joy and health

Once you eliminate those two big sources of stress you can start focusing on the positives out there. Remember that your happiness really is worth obtaining, and there are plenty of things you can do to reach your goals. Start by making some positive lifestyle changes, whether it’s exercise or a better diet. Then add in some things you love – from enjoying a movie with that special someone to taking a class to learn how to cook fine cuisine.


If you notice something from this advice, it’s no accident. When you eliminate the negativity from your life and focus on the positives, it makes a big difference. It’s also not as difficult as you may think, and can easily lead to you feeling better about yourself and your life. You deserve to be happy, and it’s well worth taking the steps to feel great.

If I can help you reach your health and fitness goals in any way, please email me or sign-up for premium blog updates!

Pamela Brown, Motivational Life Coach and Exercise Specialist

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