What is it that keeps you focused and on-track to keep working toward your goals week-to-week?
I’m not talking about motivation this time: I’m talking about accountability.
How do you hold yourself responsible for reaching your fitness and weight loss goals? Sometimes it can be so easy to “flake-out” on your goals; accountability is what helps you succeed in losing weight, getting your six pack, or reversing diabetes.
One of the best ways to create accountability for yourself is to use your personal strengths. If you don’t know what yours are, then definitely answer the 5 questions below.
5 Questions to Help You Create Accountability
Think back to a task you had to complete by a deadline, and was successful at doing so. Ask yourself:
1. What was in place to make this happen?
2. What was your like at that time?
3. What steps did you take to ensure completion?
4. Can you use the same process with accomplishing your fitness goals?
5. What did you learn from past task completions?
It’s always good to go with what you know; use the resources, tools, skills, and abilities that you already possess to reach your weight loss and fitness goals!
In summary: Create an accountability system by using what you already have available to you. When you are aware of what you are capable of, you can accomplish anything you want to do!
What do you do to hold yourself accountable? Feel free to leave a comment below
Pamela Brown