Tech Magazine

How to Bypass Links in Blocked Countries

Posted on the 22 August 2014 by Pratyaksh Somani @somanitechshow

Recently very populated url shortner got blocked in India...though they are in process of getting it unblock and they will definitely get it back on work but till then all those who are facing problem can use this small and easy method to bypass adfly links in denied or blocked countries. This method can also be used by cellphone users whose browser do not supports flash (eg Nokia s40 phones, some old Sony Ericson phones and many other devices).

So lets see how to unblock adfly adfocus URLs.

1) First of all go to
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2) Now here you can see Three bullets are given, giving you three options. By default it is Text Mode. But you change it and choose link mode the reason behind this has been explained in below lines.
how to bypass links in blocked countries
3) Now simply Click on Unprotect.Now the masked short URL will be unmasked in original long URL in a very entertaining way.Note: If you choose text mode, unknowingly or by mistake, then also there is no problem. But the long URL or the actual URL will not be hyper linked. With that I mean to say that either you have to first copy it and then paste it to the URL bar of your browser. So to reduce your steps and get your work done quickly just don't forget to choose Link Mode. Rest for any queries or problems feel free to ask here, you can use Comment section or our Official Facebook Group (JOIN HERE).
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