Being a socialist is starting to mean something beyond economics nowadays, but we don’t agree with that. Socialism is first and foremost an economic system and only an economic system. All of the other Left stuff is Cultural Left, which is outside of socialist economics.
Modern Leftists try to say that if you are for a fair economic system, you have to be for a fair cultural system too, which boils down to SJW Culture because it does try to be ultra-fair to everyone and in their favor, I will say that SJW’s are first and foremost largely at war with social sadism and they are trying to get everyone to be very nice to everyone else.
Where they fail is when they declare war on Whites, males and increasingly heterosexuals and cisgendered people as de facto oppressors. This is where the socialism comes in.
The Cultural Left, well, the true Leftists among them anyway, is trying to say that Whites, males and now heterosexuals and cisgendered are Oppressors in the same way that the rich, the bourgeois, and the upper middle class are Oppressors against the workers and the lower classes. As revolution against the exploiters and oppressor classes by the workers was valid according to Marxist ethics, so revolution against Whites, males, and now heterosexuals and cisgendered is valid also according to Marxist ethics, which they have now expanded off into culture.
I am talking about the actual Leftists on the Cultural Left, who are definitely a minority. Most Cultural Left types are quite bourgeois and often have incorporated ruling class values into their worldview as Marx said. “The values of any society are the values of the ruling classes” – Marx. This idea was much expanded by Gramsci in The Prison Notebooks.
Actually Marx and Engels were both racist in some ways following the fashion of the time. They said little about women’s rights and nothing at all about homosexuals and transsexuals. For most of the 20th Century, Marxist regimes punished homosexuals mercilessly, as it was considered a perversion, a deviation, and worst of all, a bourgeois vice of indulgence.