Healthy Living Magazine

How Soon After an Orgasm Can You Start?

By Jeak @mylifeandheath

how my life and health
How soon after an orgasm can you start?

After an orgasm, gentlemen, you are probably ready to fall asleep peacefully. And if she wants to start?

An all male specificity
Unlike women, men have to wait a while before thinking of having a new sex. This refers to the time between the first orgasm and when you can have a new ejaculation.

Contrary to what one can see in the movies, have three or four reports in the Saturday evening two-hour space is usually not very realistic for most men, said Dr. Richard K. Lee, a urologist at the School of Medicine Weill Cornell, in New York.

“Unless you have 14, you’ll need at least an hour or two after an ejaculation before you can have an erection,” he said.

In fact, there is no accurate data on the time that can last interval. Yet, it is estimated 30 minutes to 24 hours and is likely to grow with age, which may extend to 2 or 3 days in men over 70 years, according to the Journal of Sexual Medicine.

Scientists are unsure what is responsible for this latency period. But research suggests that the hormone prolactin peaks after orgasm – that hinder the excitement and ejaculation – could contribute.

Some lifestyle factors might also play a role. Drinking alcohol and used to masturbate regularly extend the time it takes to “recharge” says Dr. Lee.

“But if you feel you need forever to regain your ability to function sexually, you should consult your doctor, he advises. They can help you determine if your lifestyle impedes your ability to have an erection, or if other factors – such as stress, new drugs or health problems, like heart disease – caused erectile dysfunction home “.

How to reduce the refractory period naturally?
The first solution is to increase production of testosterone. This can be done by exposing a few minutes a day in the sunshine and eating broccoli. This vegetable contains indoles indeed, an organic compound that helps to increase testosterone levels.

Other foods known to climb made testosterone levels: oysters, lean beef, beans, low-fat cottage cheese, Brussels sprouts and garlic. By boosting its production of testosterone, it also boosts libido, so that even after ejaculation, you continue to have the desire.

The other method is to beef up its pelvic girdle, thanks to Kegel exercises. Having a pelvic girdle muscular allows to have an orgasm without ejaculation. Remember this is ejaculation, which causes the refractory period, this means that you can maintain the erection after orgasm.

How to proceed ?
Locate your perineum and squeeze it for 5 seconds, then release 5 seconds. At a rate of 15 repetitions, three times a day, you will have results after one month.

By being diligent and with a little practice, you can have multiple orgasms before ejaculating, appreciable ability for you and your partner.

How soon after an orgasm can you start?

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