In this day and age, it is vital that we all do everything we can to change from our old habits to a concentration on going green. Nowhere is such a change more vital than in our school systems. Our children are the future, and if our planet is to have a future, it is important that we teach our children, by example, the philosophy of a green lifestyle.
Certainly, a school’s first concern should be with education. Schools need to teach conservation academically, spelling out the effects of pollution and waste on our vital natural resources and what can be done to turn things around.
![Kids recycle too How Schools Can Go Green](
Most can go green simply by changing the lights. Schools are the largest part of the non-residential building segment. Replacing the incandescent lighting in our schools with Energy Star rated fluorescent lighting would have a tremendous impact for green living.
Reducing paper usage in schools would be hugely beneficial. Just using both sides of a sheet of paper would cut paper usage by fifty percent. Schools create plenty of waste. Proper waste management through recycling and reuse should be everyone’s goal, including your local school.
Schools can demonstrate their commitment to going green by creating a no idling policy. Turn the buses off while the drivers wait for the children to exit the buildings. Have parents do the same thing, and encourage carpooling, walking, and riding a bike to school instead of driving.
![Kids recycle too How Schools Can Go Green](
Introduce gardening into the program of study. Teach students the benefits of composting and organic gardening. Provide fresh fruits and vegetables for cooking classes. Let students learn, first hand, how it feels to grow something from the earth. Teach them an appreciation for the soil and what it can provide, and they will be less prone to pollute it.
Use locally grown, organic fruits and vegetables as an option in the lunchroom. Teach students why these foods are better for them and how buying from local producers encourages green economics in the community.
Conserve energy at every opportunity as a cost-effective program for the school and a lesson in energy conservation for the student body.
Use biodegradable and recyclable materials whenever possible. Teach the students green living by being an example of how it works best for everyone involved.
Originally posted 2010-03-03 19:32:43. Republished by Blog Post Promoter