Over the last couple of months, I've managed to cut my monthly household outgoings in half. It wasn't easy, and I had to perform a lot of research. However, checking my bills this month, it seems that everything is going according to plan. With a bit of luck, I'll manage to keep the utility bills low during the holiday season too. We all know how much electricity we use at Christmas, and so that would be quite an achievement.
Before I made any serious changes, I swapped to a different power company. That's easy to do these days thanks to price comparison websites. I just entered all our details and waited for the best results. Through changing providers, I managed to get much better rates.
I could not believe the amount of money we were paying for water every month. It seemed ridiculous that something falling from the sky could cost so much cash. So, I decided to start harvesting rainwater using tanks in my garden. The infographic I've attached came in very handy.
My family always used the heating during the evening time. We did that because our home was so chilly and cold. I couldn't expect hubby and bub to shiver. So, I looked for a possible solution. I picked up onesies, warm layers, socks and blankets. We no longer have to use the heating on chilly nights. Problem solved!
Put some of those ideas to good use, and you should experience the same benefits. Also, make sure you're careful to read the small print. Some of the power companies listed on the price comparison website offered an inferior service.

Infographic Designed By Infographic Produced By http://www.watertankfactory.com.au/