How Does Your Garden Grow?
My front yard garden is finally starting to fill out after we completed redesign it this past Fall. It was lovely before but very old and completely overgrown so we decided to remove and try to salvage whatever we could and plant them elsewhere. The new front yard is predominantly different species of boxwood as my little deer friends don't find them tasty! I cant was to see it in a few years as it comes into its own. I do think I may change the door color to a deep green/gray, thoughts?A special thank you to Paul Cernuto and Neil Le Blond of High Tech Landscaping for making my vision come true!
We also have started many plants this year in our greenhouse. It's chock full of tomatoes, brussel sprouts and peppers. My raised garden bed kits are arriving any day and I cant wait to transplant these goodies outside where they belong.
What's you favorite part of your garden? Is there anything you would change if you could? Anyone want tomatoes? Have a great week!

My old front yard a bit over grown I must say!

The new yard ! Less cluttered and full of green and white and pop of lilac!