Destinations Magazine

House Love Aka "Things-I-Love-In-A-House-That-My-Husband-Does-Not"

By Simonea

We will hopefully be starting work on our new kitchen in about 5 months time....but in the meantime I'm continuing to pin my dream kitchens & to actually think about what we need in our new space.
I should preface this by stating that my husband & I have fairly similar tastes when it comes to big's just the finer details that sometimes divide us.
I've recently shared the wonder that is Pinterest with him....and in doing so I became aware of things that I liked - and things that he didn't!
Here goes....
a pink front door....i'd have one, he wouldn't. 
open shelving....i like it, he thinks it's full-scale dust collecting, bordering on a hygiene risk!I take the view that I like to see my lovely dishes, glassware, pots & jars full of utensils, I keep plates in a cupboard but I think it's quite practical to have them on shelves like this.
chalkboards, "stuff" & bookshelves....we both love cookery books but he thinks they are better out of the kitchen, I think they should be within reach.
white floorboards....I am obsessed with them....he would be happy with carpet in every room!Since I painted my daughter's floorboards white a couple of months ago, I now feel as though white is all I want &'s incredibly calming too & makes whatever you fill your room with look completely different, it's a great backdrop.Our house is naturally quite dark so I think that makes the white even more appealing to me.I blame Pinterest too, those all white Scandinavian homes are so lovely.
an open fire or a wood fired stove....I grew up with a coal fire but since my safety conscious husband even worries about lighting candles, we are unlikely to have one!I think we might just be able to compromise on one of the wood fired stoves that are so popular these days, I'd be very happy with one of these Charnwood wood burners.
bare windows, as in windows without blinds, shutters or curtains....Now, we do live in a city with neighbours in close proximity but I still think that that doesn't mean you have to have your windows covered up....there is something about the outline of a window that I really love, especially an old window with a lovely shape & particularly when the sun is shining in.
random strings of lights, dangerously low hanging pendant lights, candles, "extra" lights....if he came home to a hallway full of lights as in the middle image above, he'd think I'd lost my mind!I love strings of lights, he doesn't really understand them. Enough said.

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