A yeast infection is an overgrowth of yeast and is common in women, though men can develop it too in rare cases. The medical term for this condition is Candidiasis. Yeast infections can be annoying, especially when accompanied by pain. You can get comfort and heal from this condition with simple home remedies that are affordable compared to getting medical attention. Of course, if the situation is bad, you will need to see a doctor.
Apple Cider Vinegar Natural Remedy for Yeast Infection
There are many medicinal uses for apple cider vinegar including treatment of Candidiasis. It has been used for many centuries to help improve people’s health.
For a yeast infection, there are many benefits of using ACV. The levels of pH can be balanced and this stops the bacteria from multiplying. The fungi will no longer thrive and this will prevent the infection from getting worse or from recurring. It is also a natural antibiotic so it can kill bacteria and other germs that can make you ill. Apple cider vinegar can also kill off viruses in your body and also protozoa. The levels of friendly and healthy bacteria will prevent the harmful bacteria from coming back. The enzymes that are in ACV can also eliminate yeast on the body and it can also help strengthen the immune system to eliminate and prevent a yeast infection.
Easy ways to use Apple Cider for Yeast Infection
Natural Cures for Yeast Infection
You can use ACV as a topical treatment or you can consume it orally to stop yeast infections from occurring. It’s the acidity in this treatment that works well to eliminate bacteria and bring you back to good health. Methods include:
If you use apple cider vinegar in your diet, you can make a tea with 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar.
Another option is to use it as a salad dressing or marinate your food with it and add any other flavorings you like.
Another easy method is to soak with apple cider vinegar. Use a cotton ball or a clean washcloth that has been soaked for a few minutes. Then place it on the affected area and repeat until the yeast infection is cured.
It can also be used as a douche by mixing 3 tablespoons with 2 quarts water that is comfortably warm. Then douche with it. Keep using this remedy twice daily until the symptoms stop. Another option is to use it in your bath water and soak in it.
Garlic for Yeast Infection
Garlic has the ability to kill yeast. If you’ve ever baked bread, you’ll know that the dough will not rise because the yeast is killed. By using a fresh clove of garlic, you can get rid of your infection as well as the bacteria that caused it. Though this remedy works well, it works best when the infection is first noticed.
To use this remedy, remove the skin of the garlic, cut it into a small piece and insert it into the vagina before you go to bed. This isn’t recommended during daytime hours when you are wide awake. The reason for it is that you can taste the garlic for yeast infection. When you awaken in the morning, remove the garlic and dispose it. You may notice you have a discharge that is watery. Sometimes this one treatment is enough but depending on the severity, you may need to keep using this home remedy until the yeast infection is gone. It’s a natural yeast infection cure.
When you have a severe infection, you may need more garlic so the dosage must be increased. It is more severe when you see a discharge that is white in color and thick. First get rid of the discharge by cleaning yourself off. In this case, you will need ½ clove of garlic inserted right before bedtime. You’ll need to do this multiple times, at bedtime to eliminate the infection. Though this may not seem like the greatest methods, it is a good method of how to get rid of a yeast infection naturally.
Garlic Treatment Method
Take a garlic clove without any of the skin on it and cut it in half. Before you insert it into the vagina, sew some string or thread through it so it is easier to remove it. Leave this in overnight and remove it in the morning. Don’t put this in before bedtime since this is not the best remedy to use when you are awake. By cutting the garlic, you’re increasing its medicinal power. Also, never use cooked garlic since its potency is lost when you cook it.
Yogurt for Yeast Infection
Just like apple cider vinegar, yogurt also helps regulate pH levels eliminating an environment in which yeast and bacteria can survive and multiply. Both of these factors cannot withstand acid. It’s the Lactobacillus acidophilus that kills the yeast in conjunction with the natural sugar you consume in foods. It’s the sugar and bacteria together that creates hydrogen peroxide. This action is known as fermentation.
Yogurt can be used to eliminate yeast infections by applying it topically or eating it. The best type you can buy is one that has probiotics but do not by flavored or sweet yogurt. Avoid sugar.
How to get rid of a Yeast Infection Fast with Yogurt
Eating Yogurt for Yeast Infection
If you plan to eat it, it will help you keep your pH level close to normal to avoid and treat a yeast infection. You should consume more yogurt preferably with every meal throughout the day. This will kill all of the excessive yeast in your body in its entirety. It is beneficial to eliminate the yeast residing in the intestines and give you a higher level of good bacteria. If you plan to eat yogurt, you should have a small bowl full or one single size yogurt container that is over the counter. It is best to choose a probiotics yogurt for added benefits. You should eat it once daily but more is recommended if you’re using it for a yeast infection. Because it is healthy, you won’t have to worry about eating too much of it.
Using Yogurt Topically
This method is a very easy and it is one the best treatments for yeast infection. Simply apply yogurt to the affected area and let it sit for a minimum of one hour. Remove it when done. Do this three times daily for seven days for a noticeable decrease in symptoms. If you’re yeast infection is severe, you can leave yogurt on for more than hour and even overnight if necessary. When you use yogurt topically, use enough to make a thick layer on the affected area. Include nearby areas that are not affected to prevent the infection from spreading. This will help kill the bacteria that may develop into a yeast infection.
Another external method for yogurt and a natural cure for yeast infection is to freeze yogurt that is free of sugar. Plain is best. Use a tampon and dip it into the yogurt and then insert the tampon into the vagina. This should be done at bedtime only. After waking up in the morning, wash it off and dry yourself thoroughly.
Tea Tree Oil: How to get rid of a Yeast Infection Naturally
According to research done in medical laboratories, tea tree oil is effective for killing yeast associated with a yeast infection. Additional research also shows that it can stop how the Candida bacteria functions and also prevents it from sticking to a person’s body cells. It is safe to use topically but it cannot be consumed since can prove to be toxic and can cause serious health effects such as nausea and vomiting as well as diarrhea as well as hallucinations.
Thanks to its bacteria killing effects, it can kill any parasites that are living on the skin and also other ailments such as athlete’s foot. It is also effective for ringworm. If you have a stubborn fungal infection, you can also add oil of oregano to help fight fungus. Since yeast is a type of fungus growth, it will work well.
Using Tea Tree Oil Topically: Natural Cure for Yeast Infection
For topical use, you’ll need to dilute it with water since it is very strong without it. Dilute it with water or a safe essential oil. You need to clean the area that it will be applied to and dried thoroughly. Then apply it on the affected area with a cotton ball. If you use one tablespoon of tea tree oil, you must use the same amount of water or other liquid ingredient. You can use coconut oil with your tea tree oil to enhance the effect.
Boric Acid for Yeast Infection
Boric Acid can fight viruses as well as fungi and can be purchased without needing a prescription. This ingredient is commonly used in the pharmaceutical industry and can be purchased in oral format such as capsules to treat a yeast infection. It is ideal for stubborn infections that cannot be successfully treated with standard yeast infection solutions. Though it is safe for treatment with minor side effects, it should not be used during pregnancy.
When research was done, the treatment success rate was 70% where 100 women participated. In some cases, the infection and symptoms recurred.
Using Boric Acid for Yeast Infection Treatment
There are suppositories you can use for this purpose or you can make your own. To make your own, you’ll need an empty size 0 capsule of gelatin. Fill it will boric acid and then before going to bed, insert it vaginally, repeating this procedure for one week. If you’re using store-bought suppositories, simply follow the instructions from the insertion part on. For yeast infections that keep coming back, you may need the treatment for a longer period time, preferably 2 weeks. After this, you can use it less frequently. Also, never use boric acid orally because of its toxicity.
Coconut Oil for Yeast Infection
Studies have proven coconut oil can eliminate yeast by destroying the nucleus of the bacteria that causes the infection. Irritation of the affected area is reduced and swelling is eliminated.
Coconut for yeast infection can act as a virus fighter and eliminate microbial contamination as well get rid of fungi. This means that bad bacteria is killed while good bacteria still remains intact for your benefit. It contains caprylic acid that prevents the spreading of bacteria that increases yeast. Lauric acid is also in coconut oil to make your immune system strong to get rid of and avoid this type of infection. It is a natural cure for yeast infection.
Methods for Using Coconut Oil: How to get rid of a Yeast Infection Fast
There are various ways coconut oil can be used to treat yeast infection.
Including it in your Diet
When you consume it, it can help you eliminate fungi growth within your body and on the outside surface of your body as well. It’s a good way of how to get rid of a yeast infection fast since it typically acts within several hours but more several infections may take longer, like a few days.
Instead of using butter on or in your food, use coconut oil in the same amount. You can also add in a teaspoon to your beverage or in breakfast foods such as cereal. Simply take a teaspoon full before you sit down to eat each meal.
Using Coconut Oil Topically
Another effect way of how to get rid of a yeast infection naturally is to apply it to the affective area. Before you apply it topically, you must first thoroughly clean the region and then dry it off. You can make use of a hair dryer to ensure dryness of the skin. Next, apply the coconut oil with a cotton ball or clean cloth. You don’t need to wash it off since it is food grade. Use this method two to three times every day until you are relieved from the yeast infection.
Oil of Oregano to Treat Candidiasis
According to studies, oregano oil has the ability to destroy germs as well as fungi that can affect the body internally and externally. There are phenols as well as flavonoids in oregano that can eliminate pathogens causing yeast and other health problems. In addition, oil of oregano can also strengthen your immune system because of the many beneficial nutrients in it. With a stronger immune system from oregano oil, you can have a strong body as well that doesn’t become ill or infected frequently.
The phenols and flavonoids in oregano oil are carvacrol and thymol which are very strong in healing the body of yeast infection. Both of these together can eliminate microbes and other organisms that can cause yeast infections and other ailments.
How to use Oregano Oil to Treat Yeast Infection
There are two method to get rid of a yeast infection with oregano oil. You can apply it topically or you can use it orally. If you decide to use it topically, you can’t use it straight from the bottle. It must be diluted with olive oil or other oil to minimize the irritation caused by it. A combination of both will help also.
When you apply it topically, you should mix 2 to 3 drops with 1 tablespoon olive oil. Add additional olive oil if your skin feels uncomfortable. Once mixed, apply this on the affected area. For the second method which is taking it orally, you can buy oil of oregano capsules and take one capsule twice every day or for a stubborn candidiasis development, you can take two twice every day. You can stop one you are cured.
Drinking Cranberry Juice as a natural cure for yeast infection
Most people think that cranberry juice is just for kidney or urinary tract problems. It can also help treat and prevent the development of Candidiasis. This juice stops the bacteria from attaching itself to commonly-affected areas such as the mouth. pH levels are balanced to stop the increase or multiplication of yeast causing bacteria.
When you use this remedy, ensure you purchase juice that is sugar-free. Sugar can make the problem worse. If you don’t like this juice, you will find capsules at the local drug store or your local health food store so you don’t have to taste it. You’ll still get benefits from it.
Yes, there are other methods too, but the best cures for yeast infection are included. You can end Candidiasis suffering and also prevent it with the many home remedies for candidiasis listed affordably and without having to run to the store with some items you probably have already.