The Big Bad Woof store
The Big Bad Woof, located in the Old Takoma neighborhood of Washington DC and the Arts Dstrict Hyattsville in Maryland, sets a new standard for pet care and products. The retail store specializes in organic, holistic, premium and raw diets for companion animals with a strong commitment to the community. Their selection of products are chosen to ensure healthy and sustainable options for pet owners in the D.C. area. A good example of their unique triple bottom line approach is seen in their relationship with local farmers. The Big Bad Woof works with local farmers to purchase whole foods like chicken frames, lamb hearts and marrow bones, that farmers would otherwise compost. These products are great food supplements for dogs and cats. This way a market is created for the farmer’s left-overs. Waste not, want not!
The Big Bad Woof also partners with local rescue organizations such as the Washington Animal Rescue League, Washington Humane Society and the Animal Rescue Corps. Initiatives include fundraising events, donations of pet supplies and co-run adoption clinics. Additionally, BBW’s WoofClinic program gives free professional information directly to the community. Animal specialists in health, behavior, and training come to the store to present and answer people’s questions about animal well care. This gives everyone the opportunity to be a better pet owner.