Community Magazine


By Rubytuesday
I'm heading to London in a few hours
I'm not bringing my laptop
But I will post when I can
My sister asked me last night if I am looking forward to going
I guess I am
How ever I am worried about my ED making unwelcome appearances
I have half a plan in place
I will be with my family
So regular meals will be eaten
I plan to eat then too
But just enough so I'm not hungry
And not too much that I feel like purging
That's about as much as I can manage
We are going to Yorkshire for a few days
So I am really looking forward to that
I refuse to let my ED ruin yet another holiday
I refuse to be held hostage by this cruel illness
I'm going to do my best to enjoy myself
To live the life I want
To not be a slave to anorexia's/bulimia's demands
Easier said than done
So I will be back soon
In the mean time
Take care of yourselves
Be kind to yourselves
Keep the faith
Keep believing and hoping

Much love,
Ruby x

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