Holiday bad behavior
January 2, 2014, admin, Family, Holidays, , 0
As much as I love having Little Mr A off school, his behavior during the school holidays is becoming increasingly trying and difficult. With every holiday it seems to get worse.
I’m not sure if it is the lack of routine that affects him or the fact we are all at home and he just gets over excited – maybe a bit of both.
Although we have had lots of fun over Christmas, this last week has been mainly spent telling off Little Mr A and dealing with a whole heap of attitude. If we keep him busy he is not too bad, however, if we ask him to find something to do he is incapable of finding anything (despite a room full of toys!) and just winds us up instead!
We have had full blown tantrums with kicking and screaming, lots of silly noises and screaming that he is incapable of controlling despite us asking him to calm down and keep quiet.
Having another child it is difficult to constantly sit with him and do things and I really feel at 5 he should be able to entertain himself for a bit.
We have tried all sorts to improve his behavior but nothing seems to work. The threats of no computer games if you don’t behave, or you will have to go to your bedroom, just don’t seem to cut it anymore.
We have told him he can start having pocket money if he starts helping out and behaving but he doesn’t really seem to understand that concept either.
I really want to enjoy the last few days of holiday we have left together, however, I am finding it increasingly hard to keep my cool with him!
I’m sure we are not alone in experiencing problems, after all it is all part of being a parent isn’t it?
The thing that upsets me is that I know what a nice little boy he can be. On a typical school day he will come home and be lovely, playing nicely with his sister or sitting and doing his homework.
I know that he is missing school as he asked last night when he was going back and said that he was missing his teacher!
How are your children behaving over the holidays? Are you enjoying the time together or wishing away the holidays and the return to school?