I am considering emigrating from the country if Trump wins, and I have a question; what percentage of non-Hispanic White people understand the difference between Mestizo (even if they don’t know that word) types and European Spanish types?
I think most Whites understand the difference. The only ones who might not might be very racist White people. The people who are the most retarded about this are US-born Hispanics or Mexican-Americans. Full-blown retards! Yes they are Hispanic and all that, but they have no idea what that even means. Morons.
I have told some of them that Hispanics are part White and part Indian, and I get these weird blank stares from them like I am speaking Greek or else I get an argument that they are all Indian and have no White in them.
Others are much more intelligent though. And if they are quite White, they are often very aware that not all Hispanics are White. In fact, Mexicans or Chicanos who are quite White are very race-hip. They know full well that many Mexicans or Chicanos are as White as I am, and they are very proud of that.
It is very common for them to feel somewhat superior to the less-White Mexicans and Chicanos. They think they are better all right. You better believe it.
I met one guy who worked in a bank, born in Mexico, who would not even admit that he was a Mexican! He identified as “Spaniard” and told me he was from Spain! Turned out he was born and raised in Mexico. He very much looked down on less White-Mexicans and especially said they spoke crap Spanish, whereas the White ones like him spoke excellent pure Spanish, straight out of Spain. Speaking the so-called “pure Spain from Spanish” is a very big deal in Mexico. I met an 20 year old illegal who dropped out of school in second grade who told me that speaking “the real Castillian” was a very big deal in his circles!
Actually the ones who have a deep connection to Mexico somehow as in they are born there or their parents maybe were are a lot smarter on this question, and that includes most if not all of the mestizos. The Indians are pretty hard to talk to, as they are rather hostile and closed-up, so it is hard to figure out how they feel on this issue. Mexican Indians around here are not self-haters at all though. Instead they seem quite proud of being Indian and speaking an Indian language.
Even the short order cook or maybe even a farmworker or working class type Mexican immigrant is smarter than the Chicanos on race, nd a lot of those types do not seem very smart at all. I estimate IQ in the 80’s. Yet if they have roots or connections to Mexico, they know all about race. They know Mexicans are part Black and part Indian, that some are most or all Indian, that others are very White, that some are even Black, on and on.
Quite a few of them have openly told me that they were probably part-Indian via some unknown ancestor, but they didn’t really care about that. One man who said that was a working class mestizo from Oaxaca. One of the local illegals I hired as a part time maid had a serious drinking problem, and she openly admitted that her Indian blood may have had something to do with it.
Mestizos from Mexico are not necessarily ashamed of their Indian blood at all, but they take exception to the idea that they might be part-Black. I told one assimilated Chicano that Chicanos were 3-5% Black by blood, and he started laughing and couldn’t believe it. He was laughing about it, but he acted as if having Black blood was a bad thing or an insult. I don’t think most Chicanos like Blacks too much.
Basic knowledge like that about race in Mexico seems to be extremely common even among very poor or even rural people.