Hillary Clinton: Consistent, Tough, and Effective Leadership to Counter Threats from Iran
What threats from Iran? There are no threats from Iran! Iran is not a threat to anyone, not to Europe, not to the Arabs, not the US. Well, they are a threat to the Jews*, ok. So? Are we Jewish? Is America a Jewish country? Are all the nations of the West Jewish countries? I guess so!
See, this is how the Jews have been working for decades now. “All of the enemies of the Jews are the enemies of America,” and “all of the enemies of the Jews are the enemies of all of Europe.” Of course, that lie won’t work with the Arabs for obviously reasons, though the Saudis have been in alliance with the Jews forever now.
The US has fallen for it. The West has fallen for it. Hence, the endless wars for the Jews they have been getting us to fight on their behalf. Clever trick, huh? Smart people.
(((Hillary Clinton))). Screw it, if you’re in with (((them))) you get brackets. The people in bed with them are just as bad as the real deal, and the Jews couldn’t do crap without hundreds of millions of Gentiles backing them to the hilt.
Want more?
Hillary Clinton and Israel: A 30-Year Record of Friendship, Leadership, and Strength
Like I said, (((Hillary Clinton))
* “The Jews” means Israel, Israel-firsters and neoconservatives. It doesn’t mean merely someone who is Jewish. In fact, under this definition, the vast majority of Jews are actually Gentiles.