HIDDEN, Karen Olson’s latest novel, grabbed me with the first sentence, pulling me into a world of simple, natural beauty, intriguing me with complicated, ambiguous relationships, then sweeping me along with heart-pounding, ever-quickening action that held me captive till the last satisfying page. Idyllic Block Island, just off the coast of Rhode Island, is Nicole Jones’s sanctuary – until it becomes her prison. Why has Nicole isolated herself here? Why doesn’t she have a bank account, a driver’s license, a computer – especially a computer? The answer, of course, lies in Nicole’s past, which Olson reveals in tantalizing snippets as the story unfolds and that past returns to threaten Nicole’s very existence. When I began the book, I was at once reminded of the classic suspense of Daphne Du Maurier and Mary Stewart as I relaxed into the beautiful setting, the female protagonist with a secret, the romantic interest who may or may not be what he seems. But as the plot began to thicken and the pace to quicken, I was turning pages faster and visualizing the cinematic possibilities of the story. Now it was John Grisham or Gillian Flynn who came to mind. It's a wonderful read --- a twisting, breath-taking ride of a novel! And I'm delighted to learn that a sequel is in the works. Nicole has more to tell us.