Yesterday these guys serenaded is in the park. It was quite pleasant to be around them and outside on a sunny, ( almost spring ) day.
I had not been feeling very well and this was delight and something to be quite grateful for. They say at the end of every day of you find something to be grateful for, you boost your sense of personal pride and thankfulness.
I would have to say I agree. Once, I spent time writing down three things to be grateful for over the course of six months. What could have been one of the most depressing times of my life then became a time to cherish due to the excitement I had of looking forward to new possibilities.

I encourage you to do the same. Maybe having a little thankfulness will allow you to see colors more clearly; smell the air a bit differently, and receive others more fully.
A certain expectancy of positive energy allows the door to be open for more joy, peace and satisfaction. Welcome it.
Be that positivity, today!