I leave in the morning for Panama City Beach. It seems impossible. When I got the email in June that I had been accepted onto the X2 Performance Team, I just said “yes,” and went for it, not entirely believing race day would ever be here. It’s like when you are pregnant – you know there is a baby in there, but for some reason it’s not real until the thing actually pops out (well, in my case they didn’t pop out – there was some effort, heavy breathing and mess involved).
So, here we are. I added it all up and these are my totals for the past 18 weeks (since June 17):
Total Swim: 99,100 yards (~56 miles )
Total Bike: 1,745 miles
Total Run: 275 miles
Total Miles: 2,076 miles (basically the distance from Denver to Key West!)
Okay, seriously. I might just have to go into the creek behind my house and swim 900 more damn yards so I can get to 100,000 yards.
Despite those numbers, I kind of feel like I haven’t done enough to prepare. Apparently, this is the (IS) Ironman Syndrome. You never feel like you’ve trained enough. I guess it’s because you never get anywhere near to doing the full distance in training. It’s such a huge freaking long race that it’s hard to wrap your head around it, especially if you are an IV (Ironman Virgin) like myself.
Let me tell you, packing for an Ironman is a bitch. I have check lists coming out of my ass. I am sure I will forget something. Last night I had piles of crap everywhere and was kind of stressed about packing. Sam said, “Geez, mom. You’d think you were going to do an Ironman or something. Calm down!”

I think Heidi either is sad I am leaving or sad because she knows I am going to suffer a bit on Saturday:

This time tomorrow I will be sitting on the balcony of a condo overlooking the Gulf of Mexico (there might or might not be wine). By myself. Ken and the kids come on Friday.
Race day (Saturday) is looking a bit warm, especially since I’m not used to the heat and humidity.

Rest assured I will be stuffing those ice cold sponges all over my body. I will be this person:

If you haven’t seen this post - 20 Types of Athletes You'll see at an Ironman Race (from a First-Time Spectator) – check it out now. So hilarious.
More from sunny Florida!
Ever had the feeling you’ve not “done enough” for a race? I did feel that the night before my first marathon because the furthest I’d ever run was 20 miles. I just wasn’t sure I could do 6.2 more. But I could.