Healthy Living Magazine

Here’s Why You Have to Have Big Butt After Science

By Jeak @mylifeandheath

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Here’s why you have to have big butt after science

Have harmonious curves is considered a sign of beauty and femininity, but when they become too large, especially in the saddlebags, they turn into an enemy of the welfare of the woman who wears them and seeks by all means to get rid of or at least reduce them. However, a recent scientific study found that having a fulfilling ass is a sign of intelligence and good health, enough to be proud ladies! Explanations.

Study confirms: full butt is good for health!
A recent study by Oxford University on 16,000 women, found that women with generous buttocks are smarter and healthier than those buttocks medium or small! They also have lower cholesterol and a better hormonal balance which helps to transform the sugars better, helping them reduce their risk of diabetes and many other diseases.

The results of this study, women with full buttocks are more likely to give birth to intelligent children, thanks to the amount of omega-3 they concentrate in their buttocks.

What is the role of Omega 3?
Indeed, the fats that are located in the buttocks and thighs can store this fatty acid that gives the body a multitude of benefits. Easily mobilized by the body, it helps to work better by improving the role of its transmitters and receivers. It will also allow it to preserve its flexible cell membranes, which boosts insulin function and helps regulate blood sugar and cholesterol in the blood. In addition, omega 3 are known for their great ability to protect the cardiovascular system, boost the immune system, reduce inflammation and regulate mood. This not to mention their very positive effect on brain development and cognitive functions (concentration, memory, learning, etc.) they improve.

A study at the University of South Australia and another published by the International Journal of Obesity have both highlighted another role omega 3 weight loss. Indeed, their ability to stimulate protein production and processing sugar, gives you better and faster fat burning.

Having met buttocks helps you live longer!
To come to corroborate the assertions of Professor Konstantinos Manolopoulos, leader of the study from the University of Oxford, two other studies one at the University of Pittsburgh and the other to that of California also found that women with round buttocks lived longer than those who are less spoiled by nature.

This is due to the fact that the first have high levels of leptin – or “satiety hormone” responsible for the regulation of appetite and fat storage – and adiponectin, a hormone with powerful anti properties inflammatory, anti-diabetic and protective of the cardiovascular system. Besides several scientific studies have shown that having a high adiponectin levels reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease because it helps improve insulin sensitivity and contributes to the regulation of fat in the blood.

Here’s why you have to have big butt after science

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