Healthy Living Magazine

Here’s How to Naturally Treat Receding Gums Uncomfortable!

By Jeak @mylifeandheath

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here’s how to naturally treat receding gums Uncomfortable!

An embarrassment and discomfort can be caused by receding gums lines. WebMD says that the recession of the gum line is when the gums start to pull away from the teeth and create a gap that leads to a bacteria build-up. Some of the cause are smoking, improper hygiene, gum disease and heredity.
The gum recession shouldn’t be ignored because it won’t go away on its own. If you don’t treat it, it can cause infection and even tooth decay. But there are options for you and you should not worry.

*Oil pulling

This method is suggested by Find Home Remedy. The sesame oil is excellent substitute mouthwash as it has properties that battle plaque and tartar build-up. This remedy can be used even before the gum recession begins.
Take sesame oil for about ¼ cup and swish it around the mouth. If you warm the oil, it activates the compounds that are protecting teeth and gums from toxins. In addition, a warm oil layer coats the skin and creates barrier (temporary) from bacteria.

*Green tea

This tea can be used to destroy bacteria that lead to serious infections and it also soothes inflamed gums. In order to keep your gums strong and healthy, drink a warm cup of green tea on daily basis.

*Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is known for its antibacterial and inflammatory properties and it can be used to treat existing infection and protect your gums from unwanted infections. Just brush your teeth with the plant’s gel or you can use it as a mouthwash after your meals.

*Eucalyptus oil

This is an essential oil that works as an anti-inflammatory for infected, swollen gums and it also kills bacteria in the mouth. Its protective properties help to soothe irritated gums as it stimulates tissue growth. You just have to rub a bit of the oil directly on your gums. Leave it for a while and then rinse it with fresh water. If you use it on a daily basis it can help in promoting healing to the guns that are infected and protect the mouth from harmful toxins.


This is a type of resin and it can be used in the treatment of receding gums. It works to strengthen the gums and to make them susceptible to infection and bacteria. You can use it as a simple rinse, couple of time a day as a paste that you set directly on your gums to treat a particular mouth part.


It has astringent and antiseptic qualities that help to cleanse and prevent any damage to your gums. You only have to rub its leaves or flowers over the gums and it will keep your gums clean and prevent recession of the gums.

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here’s how to naturally treat receding gums Uncomfortable!

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