Healthy Living Magazine

Here’s How to Have Firm and Shapely Buttocks

By Jeak @mylifeandheath

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here’s how to have firm and shapely buttocks

Having buttocks, shapely and toned is the wish of every woman. Many of them spend their time envying the models or people spoiled by nature, forgetting that they too can get the buttocks they dream of doing sports! The buttocks are a muscle like any other muscle in the body can be worked on and increase in size. Here are the 6 best exercises to do to have firm and shapely buttocks

Buttocks consist of three major muscles that work together to help us move the top of our legs and buttocks that bring their form. This is the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and gluteus minimus.

According to Amanda Lee, a fitness coach, the gluteal muscles are stressed in every step. These allow us to run, walk or do squats.
Teenager, Amanda Lee, was very tiny (only 44 kilograms), and is therefore set as to improve his physique. The first step was to clean up her diet, she has made several changes in his diet by focusing on healthier options. It also started an intense and regular physical activity.

Example Amanda Lee, who became a model fitness today confirms once again that there is no secret to achieve his athletic goals. A balanced diet, combined with the sport are the two requirements to follow.

If you also want to lose weight, or muscle your body, so you must pay attention to your diet. Emphasize fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean protein and drink lots of water to stay hydrated.

The choice of exercises to do is also important because it has to go with your goals. Cardio, strength training, pilates, aerobics … the palette is varied!

If your goal is to have firm and shapely buttocks, these exercises are for you! Here are 6 exercises suggested by Amanda Lee, for the buttocks of your dreams.

1 – Squats with kick:

1 - Squats with kick

The squat is the most common exercise to work the glutes and combined with kicks it becomes much more effective.

Take the squat position and go down by pushing your butt backwards. When you go back, throw a leg to the side as if to give a kick.

Repeat the exercise 25 times.

2 – The rise of the basin:

The rise of the basin

Take a mat and lie on your back, arms along the body, knees bent and feet apart and glued down. Lift your pelvis, contracting your gluteus maximum, count 2 seconds, then back down without touching the ground.

Do 25 repetitions of this exercise.

3 – squats pulse:

squats pulse

Make yourself squat position, legs spread to either shoulder width apart and hands clasped in front of chest. Go down by bending your knees, keeping your back straight and abs tight. Once your thighs are parallel to the floor, do not go back to the original position, as in a normal squat, but make small movements up and down. You have to climb a few centimeters, to maintain pressure.

Do 25 repetitions before closing completely.

4 – clams:


Lie on the side, one foot to the other and your knees bent. Support yourself on your elbows and rest your head on your hand. Lift the knee of the upper leg, still folded, without lifting your foot to the other. Pause and then return to your starting position.

Do one set of 25 repetitions.

5 – clams feet high:

clams feet high

It is a variant of the previous year. Take the same starting position, with the only difference that the feet are not going to rest on the carpet but will be high.

Only knees touch the ground. Repeat the same motion with your knee 25 times.

6 – rear legs Surveys:

rear legs Surveys

Prenez un tapis et mettez-vous à quatre pattes. Vos genoux doivent former un angle à 90° et les bras doivent rester tendus tout au long de l’exercice. Relevez une jambe tendue et effectuez des petits mouvements du bas vers le haut. Votre jambe ne doit pas descendre plus bas que le niveau de votre hanche. Évitez de courber le dos durant l’exécution de cet exercice.

Répétez le mouvement 25 fois, de chaque côté.

here’s how to have firm and shapely buttocks

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