Healthy Living Magazine

Here’s How to Color Your Hair Naturally, Without Chemicals

By Jeak @mylifeandheath

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Here’s how to color your hair naturally, without chemicals

Most women use chemical coloring to cover gray hair, but the ideal would be to avoid these toxins. These are natural and healthy solutions to color your hair!

The colors usually used are mainly composed of toxic chemicals. They damage the hair, degrade their texture and can even enhance the appearance of gray hair.

To color your hair, opt for natural alternatives, to commodities tricks in power and natural dye providing many benefits to hair.

Here are 4 tips natural herbal and natural ingredients to color your hair without any side effects!

1. The green bark of walnut for dark hair
If you want to revive your natural brown or if you dream of having brown hair, use the following recipe.


– 15-20 nutshells

– Hot water

Preparation and use:

– Grind the bark of walnut, add hot water and stir until a smooth texture.

– Apply the mixture on the hair with a brush and leave for 15-20 minutes and then wash your hair.

2. The onion peel and oak bark for brown hair
For brown or light brown hair, here is the perfect trick!


– ½ cup onion peel

– Some bark oak

– 1L of hot water

Preparation and use:

– In a saucepan, mix the onion skins and oak bark cut into pieces, then add hot water and heat on low heat for about an hour.

– Let the mixture cool for one hour, then apply it on your hair thoroughly with a brush.

– Then let stand for 45 minutes before washing your hair and rinse with warm water.

3. Chamomile for golden highlights
Chamomile is used for a long time for thinning hair or a touch of sparkle with blond hair naturally. Discover the recipe!


– 100 g of dried camomile flowers

– 1L of water

– Cider vinegar

Preparation and use:

– Boil water and dried chamomile flowers for about 15 minutes.

– Marinate for 10 minutes before filtering the mixture. Apply it on your hair and leave on for 5 minutes, then rinse.

– Use a mixture of cider vinegar and water in equal parts to perform a second rinse.

4. beets to dye hair red
Beet is the best choice for natural red highlights!


– 1 beet

– 1 L of water

Preparation and use:

– In a pot of boiling water, add a medium-sized beets finely cut and marinate until the mixture cools.

– Then apply the mixture on your hair and leave on for 15 minutes before washing and then rinse with warm water.

Whatever your choice, if your hair is light in color, you will get an effect after the first application, if not, repeat the natural coloring several times (2 to 3 times per week) until the desired result.

Here’s how to color your hair naturally, without chemicals

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