Body, Mind, Spirit Magazine

Here Is The Door...

By Misslara16 @misslara
Have you ever wondered why people some people choose to see you in the light of your weakness? When they look at you, all they see is the bad stuff that you have done, or the times when you were struggling with issues, in your low moments.
We have such people in our lives everyday: what I have decided to do is stay away from people like that. If there are have a thousand and one things I do right, strengths, accomplishments and reasons you should be proud of me, why have you chosen to see me in the light of the few mistakes you have seen me make? We all make mistakes and no one is perfect, in fact I would say I am not perfect I've  done wrong stuff at times but that does not define me, its not who I am and its definitely not who I want to be.
 I have come to understand that the people who choose to see you in the light of your weakness do so because they are week too and they feel if they hold that impression of you in their hearts it will help them feel better about themselves. Everyone has got a past, something they have done at a time or another that they are not proud of, some admit it some don't but how you choose to deal with your past is your sole business. Its not in the place of any friend to poke their noses into your affairs.
Don't give anyone the right to make a mockery of your new found strengths because they know a few things about you, do not let anyone mock your hard work because they feel the old you 'that they know' is lazy. Friends that think the worst of you should be left alone, usually behind, because they never move forward. They just stay in their low state and judge anyone they come across their path.
Do not let your past define you, do not let the stupid stuff you may or may not have done have a place  in your new life learn lessons from them and move on. That is not who you are now and that is not who you want to be. Associate with people who have brains and actually use them, positive thinkers, people who do not have self image issues, people who needs no dirt on you to feel better about themselves. The code is this if you cant see me for the improved, revamped, redeemed, changed version of me, please, here is the door! Say that to someone today!!!

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