Entertainment Magazine

Here Here To Hudson ...

Posted on the 10 September 2013 by Tlb Music Blog @TLB_Blog
The name Hudson taylor has come up a few times in the past few weeks for us, which has lead us to bite the bullet and check out the lead. Their latest and leading single, Care, can only be described singularly as a triumph ... and we hope that sooner rather than later, we'd be able to see these guys live.
Here Here To Hudson ...You'll immediately notice that their style is very similar to some simplistic and folky bands that we've written of in the past. Names like Benjamin Francis Leftwich, The Intermission Project and Tigers on Trains shoot to the mind and, despite these comparisons all being very legitimate, we still feel that there is a place for these two and here's why: what they sing about is sustainably different and much more along the lines of more popular acts than the comparative counterparts we just mentioned.
The lyrics, honestly, are a little simpler and more easy to take in than that of many of the previous groups we mentioned ... but this could well and truly work in their favour as it means that more people are capable of understanding, appreciating, and connecting with them in a way that means that audiences will want to own these songs.
The music is very sweet and folky and sits right up our street. There's a lightness to the percussion that is absolute perfection on top of the main instrument, the guitar. Their playing gradually blossoms to the point of explosion and, in time, it becomes one of the most easily accessible and wonderful little tunes you're going to hear this side of Summer (we're very aware of the weather change by the way). There's a melancholic hue about it all that really does sweep alongside the Autumnal briskness ... making this the perfect release at the perfect time and something we're very excited to hear more of.

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