Family Magazine

Help with Keeping an Active Baby Clean!

By Mummyoftwo @RaspberryGiggle

January 18, 2014, Mummy of Two, Family, Health, Reviews, , 0

The older Little Miss A gets the more independent she becomes.  As she was an early walker, she has been standing at the sink with her Big Brother to clean her teeth and face in the morning and at night for nearly 6 months.

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She hates having her teeth brushed by anyone else and insists on doing it by herself (oh the joys of having an older sibling!).  This is all well and good but she never does them properly, preferring just to give them a quick brush then playing with her toothbrush.  It is a fight everyday to wrench the toothbrush out of her little fist and try and give them a quick brush whilst she is running off and wriggling out of grasp.

Next comes the fun task of trying to clean her face.  I have been trying to keep her clean by attempting to wash a flannel over her face but, again, when she is constantly running off it is not easy and I never feel I have cleaned her that well, particularly the sensitive area around her eyes.

This is where Dentinox have come to the rescue!  We have always been a big fan of their products especially their colic drops and teething gel which have saved our sanity on many an occasion!  Now they have created a new product, Dentinox Eye Wipes.

Help with keeping an active baby clean!
Help with keeping an active baby clean!
Help with keeping an active baby clean!

Each box contains 12 individually wrapped wipes containing a sterile saline solution.  They are designed to gently cleanse a baby’s eyelids and lashes safely and are suitable to use from birth.

I have been using these wipes on Little Miss A for about a week now and am loving how easy they are to use.  Because the wipes are so soft she seems much more happy for me to clean her eyes and I feel like I am actually doing a good job!  The wipes recommend using one for each eye, however, I think this is a bit wasteful and, as they are so big I have been using half for one eye then turning over and using the other half for her other eye.  If she had an eye infection obviously one per eye would be better.

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I think the wipes are a great addition to the Dentinox family of products and wish I had had them when Little Mr A was small too!  I remember he would get gunky eyes quite regularly and it was a real pain having to boil water, add salt and use cotton wool to clean them.  These wipes would have made our life much easier!

I would highly recommend them to anyone with a young baby or toddler.  Even if they don’t suffer too much with gunky eyes, I still think they are really useful and help you feel like you have done a good job cleaning their eyes.

Do I look beautiful Mummy?

Do I look beautiful Mummy?

Disclosure – This is a paid project in association with Britmums.  All opinions are honest and my own and all photographs were taken by me and are not to be used without my permission.

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