Dear Parents, Gardeners, and Nature Lovers
This post is associated with a strong, current outpouring of Love and Thanks to plead with Developers of Trancas Canyon Market. The Trancas Canyon Nursery is threatened with an EVICTION NOTICE by out of state developers. They need to hear from all of us, 310 to 818 to 805. Malibu and all Conejo Valley value of this gardeners' dream and parents' refuge near Broad Beach.

To support this effort, please copy and paste the following letter with your name and address and email it to Carla, a Malibu Resident, at [email protected]. It doesn't matter if you are not a Malibu resident. This is just a letter to show support for the Garden Center and the spirit of community.
Letter to the Owner of Trancas Canyon Mart, We are extremely saddened to learn that you have asked the Trancas Canyon Nursery (OUR Garden Center) to leave their location. We are asking that you change this decision and allow this Nursery to stay exactly where it is, serving our community so well. Trancas Canyon Nursery is the heart and soul of the Trancas area. This charming small nursery and its employees are an integral and important element of the western Malibu community. They have consistently over their many years served residents and visitors with nothing less than exceptional care and warmth. There is simply no replacing them. They bring us time and again to the market to shop. We as a community do not want them to leave our neighborhood. Your willingness to extend their lease and allow them to say will be supported and appreciated by the Malibu community. Your good will in this matter will be remembered and will surely contribute greatly to the success of your new venture. Thank you, (Sign name and address, etc. here)Additional pages for your comments and experiences are very welcome!! Read (below) forwarded messages to see more ways to help: talk, forward, or petition by sending your comments and additional letters. Malibu residents have been surrounding this sacred spot, now residents of all Conejo Valley are becoming aware of the threatening EVICTION NOTICE received this year. Time is ticking to visit!! As of April 25, 2011, near Broad Beach in Malibu, Trancas Canyon Nursery and Garden Center is an established and flourishing garden of nature love, peace, and bliss. This “spot” of peaceful bliss, is vanishing in a couple of weeks. Please help Trancas Canyon Nursery Owners stay on this land it has inhabited many years! Another letter explaining thoughts and feelings. Dear Malibu friends, I arrived home late the night before last after 12 days, three cities, and ten parenting presentations. As always, when I got back into Malibu, I felt a deep sigh of relief and appreciation for this beautiful home town of ours. Last night I picked up the local paper and discovered that the Malibu Trancas Garden Center had been given 30 days notice. What? I had been told that regardless of what happened with the Trancas shopping area, the Garden Center would be preserved. As we all know so well, it is a haven in our corner of paradise; one of the last vestiges of the best of Malibu, where chickens and kids and friendly conversation are given room to flower, along with the beautiful blooms. I wrote an email to a couple of people suggesting we stage some kind of protest, and then as I drove to Spruzzo's tonight, found myself unexpectedly pulling the car over to take a quick walk on the beach. I immediately ran into Carla McCloskey, another long-time Malibu lover and resident, who said, "Please help spread the word about..." Before she could finish her sentence, I knew she was talking about the Garden Center. As we spoke, we both felt moved to do whatever we could to help keep the Garden Center from succumbing to the bulldozer. Perhaps a protest? Some media exposure? Articles that make it beyond Malibu? Our vision is to gently persuade the Chicago-based (?) owners of the project to see the value in keeping the Trancas Garden Center, recognizing it as the tremendous asset it is to the community, and promoting--rather than diminishing--good will as they begin their project. Please join us Sunday, May 1 at 11:00, hopefully with media attention focusing on the demise of the Mom and Pops, and the need for locals--not just in Malibu, but all over the country--to take a stand. When I was in Kansas City recently--my home town--I was staggered by how the newer parts of town had been developed in such a way as to make them virtually indistinguishable from every other part of the country with strip malls and sanitized shops. We who have lived in Malibu for decades are aware of the need to defend the natural beauty of our fair city, and do all we can to preserve it. I have created a Facebook group where we can put our heads and hearts together to share ideas for preserving the Trancas Garden Center from being bulldozed.
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