Politics Magazine

Hebephiles and Their Internet Sites

Posted on the 03 March 2018 by Calvinthedog

This is another in our series of posts about sick, disturbing, or fucked up websites and the twisted deviants and perverts who go to them!

First we need to describe some terms, mostly because almost everyone either has no idea what this word means or they have a completely wrong definition of it.

A hebephile is a man who has a sexual preference for girls around the age of puberty.  It usually means something like 11-14 or 12-15.

That’s all he likes. He doesn’t like anything else.

I have been to their forums just because I like to go to anything sick or weird on the Net. I found hebephile forums to be very disturbing, even worse than pedophile forums, and yes, I have been on those a couple of times too.

In case you are now certain that going to those forums a few times makes me a sex offender, let me inform you that only ~50% of the people on your typical pedophile or hebephile forum are actual pedophiles or hebephiles. The rest…pedophile and hebephile haters! Yes, there as many haters as deviants on those forums. The haters threaten these age-regressed folks, abuse them, call them every name in the book, tell them they are all going to prison, threaten to hurt or kill them, etc. It’s an ugly scene.

But there is something creepy about hebephile forums. The very idea that there are adult men out there who think 16 year old girls look like 90 year old grandmas is somehow deeply disturbing. In fact, for a couple of days after visiting that forum, I almost had minor PTSD from the experience and I had a hard time thinking straight. The forum was literally unnerving.

And in case you are wondering, there is none of the real nasty and ugly child porn on any of those aboveground pedophile-hebephile sites. There’s almost none of the real bad pedophilic child porn on the real Net anymore anyway.

There is some hebephilic porn out there involving pubertal young teenage girls posing naked in lascivious positions. Their bodies look like women’s bodies, so it’s not that disturbing. Nevertheless, it is illegal as Hell, and I would not advise anyone to look at that stuff or collect it. Even if you glance at it, there’s a record in your browser, so don’t even get curious. It is also extremely difficult to find, and there is no way to find it accidentally.

I understand that almost all of the real nasty CP is on the Darknet now.

On hebephile forums, you are not allowed to post girls older than 15. If you post a 16 year old girl, the hebephiles all start screaming, “Oh gross…Ewww… Disgusting…I think I’m going to puke…no Grandmas!

Yeah. That’s how hebephiles think. They think 16 year old girls are “grandmas.” 

I assure you that I am certainly the farthest thing form a hebephile.

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