I have finished MA in Marketing Communications
Doggie Dabbas was founded in 2011 and is a one stop shop for all your food based Doggie Dilemmas! From treats to fresh customised meals we have got your fur baby covered with the healthiest and tastiest products!
My own dog was suffering from health problems so I decided to change his diet and that's how Doggie Dabbas was born.
I have always been an animal lover so I don't think people were surprised that I got into this field. But I think they never expected it to be a business and are pleasantly surprised with how far we have reached.
It has been fabulous! The first few years were extremely tough I will say that. But I think the Indian Pet Industry has seen tremendous growth in the last 2 years. Most of it comes from customer education. Pet Parents are more aware of smart marketing tactics and are starting to see through things. They want good quality products that are truly healthy for their dogs and that's where we come in.
Getting the first couple of clients was difficult and then people thought oh it's just home cooked food we can do it ourselves. Over time people saw the physical difference in their dogs with our food and treats. I just stuck it out.
The most important thing is not to lose faith in the product. I knew that I was offering something different and unique to my clients that is going to benefit the health of their dogs. Feel blessed for having the most amazing clients who have helped spread the word about my brand. Without the support they have shown me, I would be nowhere.
We have some exciting new launches coming up. I love developing new products. We hope to start catering to more cities pan India. As of now we are selling in the US as well via Amazon.com so we hope to expand our international footprint too.
I think I would like to send a message out to all those people who dislike dogs, though I may not understand or agree with them I would like to make a simple request. While you may not be lovers of dogs or animals for whatever reason please do not hate on them or be unkind.
Too often we see people throwing stones at our strays, beating them etc. I simply ask you not to be unkind. If you cannot find it in your heart to feed or pet or play with them that's fine. Do not shoo them away or torture our animals. Live and Let Live!
And to all the volunteers who take care of our strays I thank you for all that you do!
So, go ahead & order some great dog food for your four legged best friend.
You can visit them here.