Athletics Magazine

He Did WHAT In My Yard?

By Brisdon @shutuprun
This has been a week of semi-weirdness.
It is the kids’ first full week of being out of school. As a mom I kind of love having my kids around. What I don’t love are the excess dishes in the sink that somehow don’t make it to the dishwasher and waking up to messes from nacho parties that occurred at midnight after I had been asleep for 3 hours. I find that charging the kids $1 per dish left in the sink has miraculously and quickly solved the problem (and initially gave me some extra coffee money).
Why else has this been a weird week? Let’s see. My neighbor told me that on Tuesday evening he saw some youngish kids (7, 8 year olds) hanging out on the street. One was jumping around like he had to go the bathroom. He then proceeded to take a dump in my yard. What? Who does that? Well, I suppose an 8 year old boy does that. Maybe this is karma somehow. But, I will say I have never pooped in someone’s yard.
In the world of awesome weirdness, I found this chair labeled “free” on the side of the road and it is my new favorite post run spot. I get to relax and Heidi gets to lick of my sweat. It is a win-win. Who needs a shower when you have a Golden Retriever.
He Did WHAT In My Yard?
Also kind of amazing is that this year the Bolder Boulder made their race photos free. Can’t say I’ve ever had a race that did this so I say, THANK YOU.
He Did WHAT In My Yard?
My daughter actually hates to run, but she’s faking it pretty well here!
He Did WHAT In My Yard?
In the midst of work, parenting, and kids taking dumps in my hard, I’ve been trying to get my ass out on the trails for some vertical running. In 3 weeks I’ve got this very vertical race (that’s a nice was of saying it’s a mother f’ing run up a real mountain to 13,200 feet)
On Wednesday with my mace in hand and my Road ID on my wrist, I took to the trails. I don’t usually go on trails alone, but on this day I did.
He Did WHAT In My Yard?
 Elevation gain =1,300 feet over 7.3 miles.
On Saturday, Ken and I did some more climbing at Walker Ranch outside of Boulder. 1,700 feet of gain over 7.4 miles.
He Did WHAT In My Yard?
I’m not sure who put these steps here at mile 2.5, but they were painful.
He Did WHAT In My Yard?
I ran into a friend on the trail who is also doing Leadville.
He Did WHAT In My Yard?
There you have it. My week in review.

Tell me one weirdish/random thing that happened to you this week.

Are your kids out of school yet? How’s it going?
What’s the best thing you’ve ever found for free?  A kitten someone threw out of their car (when I was 12). We had her for 10 years.

PS: Sorry for all the weird spacing and picture image size inconsistencies. Windows Live Writer isn't working and Blogger is making me crazy.

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